Up all night with a poorly pussy , hed been in a major tiff with something and went off his legs yesterday morning , nothing broken just hadnt picked on something his own size , so once he got home i was on toilet watch , his gingerness wont use a cat litter tray he has a favourite bush in the garden he goes under , so having had cat morphine he cant stay out . he finally decided to go at 3am this morning so theres me and a ginger cat out in the garden on a freezing night with a torch , i had to turn the torch off or he wouldnt go , so im talking to the cat trying to get him to do his stuff and come straight in , he can barely walk and you just knew a neighbour would be staggering home with a skinfull. Think i may have scared him to death , 3am and theres a talking bush? telling its pussy to hurry up and pee ?
i will snore for twelve hours in your paperwork |
So after 4 hours sleep its do a crafty chore youve been putting off forever , i had a big skein of wool , that i got with my major craft haul in the summer, knotted to hell lousy wool , but a great red and black gothic colour . 5 bleedin hours of tedious unknotting to get to this , now seeking crafty inspiration or a knitter I dont like ..lol
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