The annual pilgrimage to a field near Leicester is done for another year , camping was not fun . so hot you could barely breath, then tropical monsoon season , now I have a wet tent to try and dry, plus mosquito bites that are nasty and all over , anti histamines and ibuprofen seem to be working .
Mr didnt move much and spent the time nattering to mates sat on his throne , even he said its getting to much for him , the ground had cracked badly due to the heat so he darent go out on his crutches, even the loo trips were deadly .
Did come back to find id won a lot at the local auction that i hadnt viewed , I now have someone elses material stash to add to my had the chance to go through it yet just a quick look at the vintage knitting patterns id spotted in the sale photo . My daughter however had a mental moment and bid on the wool stash , shes just discovered crochet and being stuck at home on sick for another week at least ,thought this was a good idea , she now has a huge mountain of weird and wonderful wool , she also purchased another dressing table , just because it was cheap , I can currently hear all the banging about upstairs as she tries to sort that out . There was also a huge bag full of wool scraps and knotted together wool that will be my TV watching hobby of an evening for a while , she would have just chucked this but im finding it quite satisfying proving the point that theres a use for ...pompoms wool for the munchkin , fibre art etc etc
So thats my boring uneventful life ...but after the fun we have had in the last year uneventful is good
Tuesday, 31 July 2018
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Ho Hum
I think im rather neglecting the blog at the minute , but its the heat and endless chores eating up my life plus lets not forget the granny duties . You know the six weeks of trying to stop munchkin and Grandad from killing each other . Ive been fortunate in a weird way , daughter is off sick after her boob job , so shes been able to keep him entertained . But thats part of the problem he expects to be entertained every waking hour . What has happened to kids in this generation they seem to be totally unable to amuse themselves , hes banned from all electronica because nothing he watches is in the slightest bit educational and he can run rings round me when it comes to blocking the endless trash he would otherwise view . When did kids TV become such dross , apart from horrible histories which im addicted to , at least he doesnt want to watch endless Heartbeat like last year so theres some plus points ..
At nine years old our summers were the great outdoors and that was it for 6 weeks , thats the principle my gran worked on with me and my boy cousins there were 6 of us most days , we were fed huge slices of jam and toast in the morning and we were out of the door for the day by 8am . We had a tumble down ramshackle farm to amuse ourselves with , chasing rats out of the stacks , with an old petrol scooter to trog round the lanes on , plus build ramps from anything we could find , dens , fires to roast our hedgerow dinner on , half cooked spuds and fruit from the hedgerows , tomatoes filched from someones greenhouse . On health and safety grounds alone we should all have been
We have a glorious summer and you barely see a child out playing, Vitamin D makes them grow , in theory 4 inches during the school holidays for boys , I know houses dont have gardens anymore but in a bid to get them out there maybe we should have turn off the router week ?
At nine years old our summers were the great outdoors and that was it for 6 weeks , thats the principle my gran worked on with me and my boy cousins there were 6 of us most days , we were fed huge slices of jam and toast in the morning and we were out of the door for the day by 8am . We had a tumble down ramshackle farm to amuse ourselves with , chasing rats out of the stacks , with an old petrol scooter to trog round the lanes on , plus build ramps from anything we could find , dens , fires to roast our hedgerow dinner on , half cooked spuds and fruit from the hedgerows , tomatoes filched from someones greenhouse . On health and safety grounds alone we should all have been
We have a glorious summer and you barely see a child out playing, Vitamin D makes them grow , in theory 4 inches during the school holidays for boys , I know houses dont have gardens anymore but in a bid to get them out there maybe we should have turn off the router week ?
Monday, 16 July 2018
Fun Packed Weekend
So we toddled off at 6am on Saturday to the big car boot at Stickney near Boston , Mr took his spazzie buggy and trundled round remarkably well it was huge and the paths are made from crushed shells so no boulders or big holes , they also had a disabled toilet which is unusual for a car boot and the parking was right by the gate . Do wear shoes rather than sandals the crushed shell gets everywhere . So yes i would recommend this one for the differently abled so long as your battery is fully ..Going early in this heat is a must and before the crowds if your in a chariot is always a good idea we left at 10 and the place was heaving .
Did we buy lots of stunning treasures? err nope , I bought a carrier bag of wool and a load of fruit and veg which we shared with grandad, new potatoes with everything this week , i must have stopped to look at hundreds of things but nothing said take me home . Mr bought loads of current buns for the freezer and some weird engineering bits as he does. Must have walked miles, Mr came home in a state every tiny bump ramps his pain up so it was snoring with industrial drugs afternoon .
Then yesterday it was fishing with BIL , crabby grandad and the Munchkin because his had surgery last week mother, had gone to see Eminem with her mate , the tickets cost so much she would have gone on a stretcher methinks .
Without the Munchkin its great fishing, i get a bit of cross stitch and a good book to read between fish , i have to land them all , set up all his equipment etc , Mr cant manage that part anymore on a plus point it can be a long time between fish he only managed 6 all day yesterday , and i was introducing a family of voles to Watermelon rind , looking for wildflowers and stopping Mr and Munchkin from killing each other , so 12 hours on a lake side was hard work.
Industrial drugs again for MR last night now hes snoring on the sofa, so a quiet day with lots of chores and hopefully a siesta....if im lucky, the munchkin breaks up for summer on Friday so then ive six weeks of trying to keep him and grandad occupied and amused without them killing each other , I was looking at a bottle of Gin in the coop last night and wishing i was
Did we buy lots of stunning treasures? err nope , I bought a carrier bag of wool and a load of fruit and veg which we shared with grandad, new potatoes with everything this week , i must have stopped to look at hundreds of things but nothing said take me home . Mr bought loads of current buns for the freezer and some weird engineering bits as he does. Must have walked miles, Mr came home in a state every tiny bump ramps his pain up so it was snoring with industrial drugs afternoon .
Then yesterday it was fishing with BIL , crabby grandad and the Munchkin because his had surgery last week mother, had gone to see Eminem with her mate , the tickets cost so much she would have gone on a stretcher methinks .
Without the Munchkin its great fishing, i get a bit of cross stitch and a good book to read between fish , i have to land them all , set up all his equipment etc , Mr cant manage that part anymore on a plus point it can be a long time between fish he only managed 6 all day yesterday , and i was introducing a family of voles to Watermelon rind , looking for wildflowers and stopping Mr and Munchkin from killing each other , so 12 hours on a lake side was hard work.
Industrial drugs again for MR last night now hes snoring on the sofa, so a quiet day with lots of chores and hopefully a siesta....if im lucky, the munchkin breaks up for summer on Friday so then ive six weeks of trying to keep him and grandad occupied and amused without them killing each other , I was looking at a bottle of Gin in the coop last night and wishing i was
Wednesday, 11 July 2018
Autism Paranoid Rant
I tend to think a little outside the box because i was raised by those who were on the spectrum before it was even viewed as existing,. plus ive raised those on the spectrum as well. I come from a family where autism runs rife , its such a huge spread of a diagnosis that i think all of us have some of the traits , but only those of us who are a problem in some way, usually with schools, end up stuck with the label .
I have an Aunt in her 60s who has spent most of her life in care , back in the day she was merely viewed as retarded as a toddler, put into a special school then graduated to a Mental Asylum . She was pregnant in her teens , had no idea of how it had happened and her perfectly normal son was taken and raised by another aunt. She now lives in a sheltered housing scheme and spends her days happily playing internet bingo for hours , visited by my generation and her son . The older generation , my mothers, have simply ignored her existence for most of her life . You put people like that "away" as my mother says , she also had another Cousin much the same who also had the same life pattern , put away as a child to be forgotten about . My mother arranged for my Aunt to be sterilized after the birth of her son , thats how things were done back in the 60s .
Lets fast forward to now the enlightened age, so called , once again im noticing some rather odd happenings , the rather high incidence of children being labelled with different Autistic Spectrum disorders in schools . My grandson has been signposted as autistic at numerous points in his school career , usually when a teacher cant cope with him , hes a damned handful, far older than his nine years, think street smart teenager with a gob . He grasps concepts far beyond the other kids , has an interest in making money and politics and does not conform , hes very much an individual . Having raised his mother and her brother , plus inherited Mr Bah Humbugs genetically disordered pair , i dont bat an eyelid . Theyre great adults who think outside the box.
Young Baldrick attended the same junior school , he was a violent aggressive nightmare there , he will have problems all his life , but hes doing sort of ok at the moment .
But the big problem we have is that after 2 years of a wonderful young teacher , who loves my grandson to bits , accepts his odd,etc etc . Well next year he has the old witch from hell as his teacher she taught Young Baldrick back in the day and was assaulted by him on a couple of occasions . when he was in nursery she made my grandsons life a living hell , she insisted that he should be statemented on numerous occasions, we refused, the situation just got worse and worse. Till he went up a year and suddenly he was fine with a different teacher .
There is no other school , the headmaster is to put it nicely a bit of a spineless nobody . He loathes me and the fact that i know far more about the autistic spectrum than he does , for an uneducated guess my grandsons problem is GAD Global Anxiety Disorder , put under pressure he panics then you get a full on meltdown . Other than that hes educationally far beyond his peers, when he finds an interest in something hes obsessive , he excels at all things sport . But I admit he can be a handful if hes bored.
The teacher he is going up to has the older generation attitude to Autism , they should all be stuffed in a special school , not cluttering up her classroom of normal children. My grandson should have the official label stuck on him then so she doesnt have to bother making any effort . Next year at school is going to be fun but not for my grandson .
Discuss ................
I have an Aunt in her 60s who has spent most of her life in care , back in the day she was merely viewed as retarded as a toddler, put into a special school then graduated to a Mental Asylum . She was pregnant in her teens , had no idea of how it had happened and her perfectly normal son was taken and raised by another aunt. She now lives in a sheltered housing scheme and spends her days happily playing internet bingo for hours , visited by my generation and her son . The older generation , my mothers, have simply ignored her existence for most of her life . You put people like that "away" as my mother says , she also had another Cousin much the same who also had the same life pattern , put away as a child to be forgotten about . My mother arranged for my Aunt to be sterilized after the birth of her son , thats how things were done back in the 60s .
Lets fast forward to now the enlightened age, so called , once again im noticing some rather odd happenings , the rather high incidence of children being labelled with different Autistic Spectrum disorders in schools . My grandson has been signposted as autistic at numerous points in his school career , usually when a teacher cant cope with him , hes a damned handful, far older than his nine years, think street smart teenager with a gob . He grasps concepts far beyond the other kids , has an interest in making money and politics and does not conform , hes very much an individual . Having raised his mother and her brother , plus inherited Mr Bah Humbugs genetically disordered pair , i dont bat an eyelid . Theyre great adults who think outside the box.
Young Baldrick attended the same junior school , he was a violent aggressive nightmare there , he will have problems all his life , but hes doing sort of ok at the moment .
But the big problem we have is that after 2 years of a wonderful young teacher , who loves my grandson to bits , accepts his odd,etc etc . Well next year he has the old witch from hell as his teacher she taught Young Baldrick back in the day and was assaulted by him on a couple of occasions . when he was in nursery she made my grandsons life a living hell , she insisted that he should be statemented on numerous occasions, we refused, the situation just got worse and worse. Till he went up a year and suddenly he was fine with a different teacher .
There is no other school , the headmaster is to put it nicely a bit of a spineless nobody . He loathes me and the fact that i know far more about the autistic spectrum than he does , for an uneducated guess my grandsons problem is GAD Global Anxiety Disorder , put under pressure he panics then you get a full on meltdown . Other than that hes educationally far beyond his peers, when he finds an interest in something hes obsessive , he excels at all things sport . But I admit he can be a handful if hes bored.
The teacher he is going up to has the older generation attitude to Autism , they should all be stuffed in a special school , not cluttering up her classroom of normal children. My grandson should have the official label stuck on him then so she doesnt have to bother making any effort . Next year at school is going to be fun but not for my grandson .
Discuss ................
Wednesday, 4 July 2018
So im sat inside looking at the sun again till after tea ...then activity start till midnight , just got to weed burn the veg beds once the sun has moved to the front garden ,plus clean out a shed, on a plus note no grass to mow as its all dried up and died ...Question why arent weeds killed by the drought ?
I popped a few cheapy melon plants in that i got from the car boot sale for 20p , they are loving the heat and look quite promising , the sweetcorn is going mental and it almost looks like a garden , this is the munchkins food growing project this year he has beans and marrows as well , ive just been concentrating on garden destruction , no fixed plans just a trail of destruction based on what i can scrounge from skips and local fly tipping This afternoon its going to be process stuff for the freezer , daughter keeps buying fruit and veg but its that hot nobody is eating much , ive celery and carrots that will make stew packs for the winter . we did demolish loads of honey roast parsnips cold the other day they were 5p a bag in the Coop so i couldnt turn them down really , quiche for tea made from fridge leftovers , ive a sad pineapple that may be roasted as well , curry coleslaw and a rice variant of some description. Ive also started putting a few bread bags of mash variants into the freezer everybody's buying new potatoes at the moment so theyre cropping up under yellow label a lot . Just useful for a quick shepherds pie when i cant be bothered .
This weekend its the 1940s weekend at Woodhall Spa , it brings in thousands of tourists so we wont be going very far , its strange its the stuff nearest to you that you never visit isnt it . Mr suggested we should go, but the parking is £10 which isnt that bad and theres tons of stuff to see and do but its miles away from where he wants to be, theres a shuttle bus but he wouldnt be able to get on or off with ease . I wanted to go and visit an archeological dig in Lincoln that has an Open Day on Saturday so we might go their instead
I popped a few cheapy melon plants in that i got from the car boot sale for 20p , they are loving the heat and look quite promising , the sweetcorn is going mental and it almost looks like a garden , this is the munchkins food growing project this year he has beans and marrows as well , ive just been concentrating on garden destruction , no fixed plans just a trail of destruction based on what i can scrounge from skips and local fly tipping This afternoon its going to be process stuff for the freezer , daughter keeps buying fruit and veg but its that hot nobody is eating much , ive celery and carrots that will make stew packs for the winter . we did demolish loads of honey roast parsnips cold the other day they were 5p a bag in the Coop so i couldnt turn them down really , quiche for tea made from fridge leftovers , ive a sad pineapple that may be roasted as well , curry coleslaw and a rice variant of some description. Ive also started putting a few bread bags of mash variants into the freezer everybody's buying new potatoes at the moment so theyre cropping up under yellow label a lot . Just useful for a quick shepherds pie when i cant be bothered .
This weekend its the 1940s weekend at Woodhall Spa , it brings in thousands of tourists so we wont be going very far , its strange its the stuff nearest to you that you never visit isnt it . Mr suggested we should go, but the parking is £10 which isnt that bad and theres tons of stuff to see and do but its miles away from where he wants to be, theres a shuttle bus but he wouldnt be able to get on or off with ease . I wanted to go and visit an archeological dig in Lincoln that has an Open Day on Saturday so we might go their instead

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Monday, 2 July 2018
Ode to the Builders
Well the builders have been fun , they turned up on the right day at the right time and were baffled by what they had to do . Their worksheet consisted of one line . Fit replacement boiler .
There was no stock list so they had no idea we were an oil property , we waited for the delivery of parts to find out out what they were actually doing , it did turn up eventually and consisted of the same boiler just a newer one and a single radiator . By this time id rung the council and played hell up , the builders were ringing their office up playing hell up and chaos raineth !!
Bless him the lad said I can only fit what has been ordered so started ripping the old boiler out , the folks from the council turned up that afternoon by which time i was seething , id spent 2 days moving everything for them to need nothing moving !! I might as well talk to a pair of planks , it would seem their was a communication error between the council and the builders , we had to have the boiler delivered because the part form hadnt been filled in correctly. So what was the point in fitting a new boiler the same as the old one ? more waffle im afraid so it took them just a day and a half in total and im still trying to put stuff away , theyre also coming next week to fit a new oil tank and im not moving the shed !! they can walk round to the cow field at the back with it stuff them!!
There was no stock list so they had no idea we were an oil property , we waited for the delivery of parts to find out out what they were actually doing , it did turn up eventually and consisted of the same boiler just a newer one and a single radiator . By this time id rung the council and played hell up , the builders were ringing their office up playing hell up and chaos raineth !!
Bless him the lad said I can only fit what has been ordered so started ripping the old boiler out , the folks from the council turned up that afternoon by which time i was seething , id spent 2 days moving everything for them to need nothing moving !! I might as well talk to a pair of planks , it would seem their was a communication error between the council and the builders , we had to have the boiler delivered because the part form hadnt been filled in correctly. So what was the point in fitting a new boiler the same as the old one ? more waffle im afraid so it took them just a day and a half in total and im still trying to put stuff away , theyre also coming next week to fit a new oil tank and im not moving the shed !! they can walk round to the cow field at the back with it stuff them!!
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