Sunday, 26 July 2020

Plague 52

Where to begin ....this half arsed version of lockdown is making it impossible to resolve anything on the Young Baldrick front , im still sticking to the we leave him at the police station plan . We had actually contact from someone at social services a wee bit further up the food chain , to be informed that there had been a case conference which he had neither been invited to or informed of . the excuse being because he is still on bail he cant be in contact with his child or partner .  So he asked me to speak to them because he didnt understand . At which point they gathered that im not afraid of them , i dont give a toss if they put our grandson in care , my only concern is them avoiding there duty of care towards Young Baldrick , no im not going to take oh  but its because of Covid as an excuse . Strap your mask on like everybody else has had to and get on with it . I have explained that he will be homeless on the 31st  and no its not down to me to sort this whole shitty mess out , im not well his dad is in bits its effecting  him both physically and mentally . Young Baldrick is seriously mentally ill , hes suicidal , having paranoid delusions and should be in secure psychiatric care at the moment , not here terrorising us . In fact i dont know how much more clear i could have made things . At which point she turns round and says . Well after today im on holiday for a fortnight theres an emergency number to ring .  She didnt like it when i said im well aware of that number already , its leave a message and hope nobody has been killed when they ring you hours later !!!!


  1. Good for you taking a stance. No one should be expected to have to deal with what you're going through and I feel your pain. It's horrible that we live in a society where provisions are so poor that you have to, but refusing to help really is the only way to get the institutions that are supposed to deal with someone who's seriously mentally ill to acknowledge their responsibility. I know there are few resources, there is little funding, but that doesn't help you on the sharp end of it and you should not have to go through all of this just to get someone help. Stick to your guns. I have been in a similar situation with social workers who are just desperate to offload people onto their relatives and only by really putting my foot down did I and they get any help.

  2. I can't offer anything tangible but you have my utmost sympathy.

  3. I have absolutely no experience of this at all but hope someone listens and helps you and you family. Covid has been a great excuse for lots of agencies not to step up to the bar!!

  4. I have experience of these so called 'people who are there to help' chocolate teapots the lot of them.
    Stand your ground Katie.

  5. Can he be taken to the nearest hospital accident and emergency I wondered x

  6. If he played up, you could as Flis above says turn up at A&E and exit quickly - he would be in safe hands and you would have done your bit. Social Services from my own experience since childhood, and during schooling of my own adhd/aspergers son are crap - I have a brother who is a social worker yet that has helped diddly squat - the only thing that actually works in this world is disownership - when you actually say 'hello I am disfunctional and dumping this even more disfunctional/suicidal responsibility' and walk away, somebody not you has to take ownership - I have minor issues compared to yours so find this fascinating reading - but I know from my own experience that as long as you appear to be in any way capable and available you are 'it'... I wish you luck but you need more than that - you need your own social worker who isn't going on holiday and who gives a shit. xxx

  7. Let him break bail, phone the police then they must attend and retrieve him. When the police attend refuse to accept him back. They will v quickly offload him to psychiatric care. Dumping him at A and E is a nightmare as guaranteed he would in a general hospital which puts staff and patients at risk until police arrive to take him to a psychiatric hospital. If you plan to take him to a hospital please, please make it a psychiatric one!. Ellie
