Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Plague 48

Well this is fun another happy day with the smelly cuckoo in the nest . Thanks for all the helpful comments , some are a little naive perhaps not intentionally just ignorance of the UK systems in place . Young Baldrick is high function autistic he has Aspergers Syndrome and other numerous isms that are an endless list , this doesnt mean hes good at one particular thing , it means he absorbs endless information but cant put it into order to actually use what he learns . This leads to frustration which can lead to aggression.  His people skills are dreadful every other word is fuck , there is never any improvement in this . He is currently so paranoid that nobody can help him , not that theres any help for him available in Lincolnshire at the best of times .  It is best that he is allowed no contact with his partner and their child at the present time and the police have stated this . Social Services are involved , they have a caseworker but lockdown has meant that he is cycling, hes either so depressed hes not getting out of bed for days or so wound up hes dangerous, hes refusing all medication and so paranoid he cant see that hes the problem not the rest of the world .
So the problem is once again dumped on us , he needs inpatient psychiatric treatment but theres none available anywhere unless he injures someone at which point he can be sectioned against his will . It does always calm him being here , but its proving hard work enforcing a regular regime on him this time . Last night there was another session with Mr BH having to stand up to him , YB wanted a bottle of Jack Daniels NOW , we are miles from the shops and all the drink was locked up before he arrived so it wasnt happening . Hed also had a bit of a do with BIL while fishing , never one to mince his words hed told young Baldrick that his kid would be better off in care than putting up with his bullshit excuses .
It feels like every sentence ends with an argument .
But heres some more anti Tory propaganda , the wonderful well thought out Universal Credit system , means that as the head of the household all the universal credit is paid direct to his bank account , leaving his partner who isnt allowed any contact with him without a penny at the moment . She faces another 5 week wait till she can get a penny in her own name , while he sits here whining for a bottle of Jack Daniels . If one turns up from Amazon today i will be the one locked up for smashing it over his head !!!


  1. Sounds a complete nightmare for you, as if you needed anything more. I really don't know how you get through each day, you have my admiration for your strength and acceptance, patience and compassion, all of which you must have in spades.

  2. Hi Kate funny how most of the nasty comments are anonymous isn't it. Unless people are dealing with this shit on a daily basis they have no idea of the realities of what life is like. There is no help available from social services or the medical profession is there.

  3. My husband lost his job in the 1980's when the company he worked for rent bust. The first we knew of it was a call from the bank saying his wages cheque had bounced. He went to the social to sign on a d we waited for the benefit. I remember that paying some stupid amount like £5 because they classed the bounced cheque as monies recieved. I have every sympathy with you and the stupidity of our benefits system.

  4. Oh bloody hell!-how do you cope?-You must have to put up an invisible shield and let it all bounce off-Keep smiling through gritted teeth if possible or drink the Jack Daniels yourself x

  5. I dont know how you cope wish there was some hrlp for you

  6. Hi Kate. We experienced this for years, without help.Our sympathies are with you. We are now in quite water with fingers crossed. It is unbelievable at times.!!
    Kathy xxx

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