Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Prep On 2

 So im thinking this may turn into a wee series of daft stuff i think will be useful in the event , not sure what the event may be , it may just be more poverty due to inflation . Ive somehow filled the freezer so im having to look for alternatives for storage of garden produce . I have noticed that the warm weather means that theres a lot of mince out there of every sort on yellow sticker . i always take it out of the packaging and bag it , twice the meat for half the space . so i now have a drawer of lego bricks of mince for the winter . Then yesterday i ventured into Heron and they had mountains of beef meatballs 12 for 85p yellow stickered so i bought quite a few packs , they have been bagged some will become burgers others will be flavoured for various winter meals . On the foraging meat point do visit obscure Tesco Express and mini Morrisons or Sainsburys in the afternoon they often have yellow stickered meat i managed to get a huge pack of boned and skinned chicken thighs that ive chopped and split down into bricks , i had some out of date packet mixes so i coated then with salt and pepper mix and chicken tikka mix once again great for winter stirfries or wraps etc 

Then i had a moment ive been looking for Bombay Potatoes in a tin but like most things i like ive either been priced out or just cant find them , . So i ventured to Amazon and found The Old India Spice Co.  based in Leicester you cant get more Indian than that . They do a whole range of herbs and spices in various sizes and low and behold Bombay Potato mix . We are going to be overun with spuds this year so with the addition of a one or two yogurts and a couple of spoonsful of the spice mix , obviously adjust to taste , bingo bombay potatoes ! Now the area i live in has a large community of Chinese and we have three really good Chinese supermarkets so thats going to be on the list of places to visit before winter . In fact whatever ethnic supermarkets are round you , pay a visit you may be surprised at what they stock and theyre usually English speaking and very helpful

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