Wednesday, 26 May 2021


 Another 3.45 wake up this morning , im always a terrible sleeper no matter how exhausted and how busy i am its bed at 10am awake by 3 , until i get the one day i just zonk and fall asleep for hours  I sleep with earplugs to get that extra hour . Saying that i can sleep anywhere in any position if its a sleepy day . Im hoping for a sleepy day today as its fishing . Ive read the paper and done the quiet chores im on my second cuppa and the eggs are boiling for pack up . I await with interest what state Mr BH gets up in and the decision if he wants to go or not it shows signs of being a much drier and sunnier day today so i live in hopes .

So lets talk Cummings , its rather like a bad comedy at the moment .  The Lying cheating scum in charge can do as they like , theres no opposition theres nobody else in the Tory Party gagging for the job of being in charge . The UK is bobbing about like a rudderless ship while we laugh at the latest playground spat . I rather expected Wanksock to burst into "liar liar pants on fire " when he was corned by the press yesterday .  Boris merely slugs down another Chuck A Mucka organic cocktail enjoying his notoriety as Pleb Killer in Chief . Ive come to the conclusion that we have the government we deserve . Its all a bit fall of the roman empire without the empire existing except in the Tories minds .  What next Boris biting the heads off kittens in a live broadcast?  while the Britains got Talent watchers cheer him on . "Thats our Boris , one of the lads"  


  1. The last comment about Boris being one of the lads hits the nail on the head , I really think that is his attraction for a large part of the population . He is a serial adulterer and a proven liar but this does not seem to matter because he is the class clown , I must be very old fashioned because I always though that the person in charge of the country should be beyond reproach, instead at this crisis the person in charge is happy to throw anyone under the bus that interferes with the goal of making Boris number one .
    I hope you get some rest today .

    1. hes doing what every 50 something bloke thinks he wants to do

  2. I live in the States, and may I say "I feel your pain"! We have lived with such confusion under the last presidential admin that it is too early to predict if the current one can right things. Hoping for the best for both sides of the Atlantic!

  3. So, are congratulations in order ( to all the UK) Your boy Boris is wed. How special
    ( snark). I wonder if the horse oeuvres list had to shortened due to BREXIT? Will your mum have a party.

  4. Damn computer.... hors d’oeuvres is what it shudder been!

    1. think you got it right the first time , or maybe whores d'oeuves ?
