Lets have a giggle at the latest sea of shit our Glorious Leader has created . Not content with COP97 or whatever it was ,being the biggest show of hypocrites on tour ever . How many private planes? How many huge motorcades . Ocean liner hotels moored on the Clyde , beggars belief really doesnt it . All the little people getting fines for putting a crisp bag in the wrong bin , meanwhile the carbon footprint of these privileged idiots blackens the world . The Boris spokesman , pointing out his plane used eco fuel and they were paying a carbon offset for using it , bugger the offset does it make it better that they will plant a sapling in Scotland so his laziness could jet home for a dinner and jolly with his mates . He couldnt keep his eyes open and appeared pissed at one stage . If they all payed an offset for this fiasco Wee Jimmy Sturgen will be ruling the Great Northern Forest in a few years . im seriously thinking of running round on my travels with a bag of conkers and acorns and sycamore keys doing my own offset everywhere i go .
Then we get to the real elephant in the room , corruption . A minor player in the Tory scheme of look over there has been caught with his hand in the till . Half a million of money for services rendered in his pocket , blatantly bribes taken for services rendered to a corporation he was a lobbyist for . then Boris decides to do away with the standards committee that caught him and replace them with a bunch of his mates, forces all his party to vote yes for this spiffing idea and then it went very viral and the smell of burning tyres on this u turn created its own disaster . I think the fact that the MP involved was getting a mere 30 day suspension from Parliament over the matter is more disgusting . He has now however fallen on his sword and resigned , causing a by election .
Now if i look into my crystal ball , i wouldnt be surprised if Glorious Leader decides to chuck a General Election into the equation , his ego being what it is . His logic could be that he is up before the ethics committee , he has been dodging them for months over his gold plated decorating scandal , At most hes looking at a 30 day suspension , which means he could spend xmas in the Caribbean. The likely hood that his local party would deselect him is virtually nil . So back in the New Year with an even bigger majority , business as usual . I do think that Ego is the one thing that will bring him down in the end . Though didnt we once execute a king and turn Puritan over corruption , or has that part of History been cancelled in schools?
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