Another 3.45 wake up this morning , im always a terrible sleeper no matter how exhausted and how busy i am its bed at 10am awake by 3 , until i get the one day i just zonk and fall asleep for hours I sleep with earplugs to get that extra hour . Saying that i can sleep anywhere in any position if its a sleepy day . Im hoping for a sleepy day today as its fishing . Ive read the paper and done the quiet chores im on my second cuppa and the eggs are boiling for pack up . I await with interest what state Mr BH gets up in and the decision if he wants to go or not it shows signs of being a much drier and sunnier day today so i live in hopes .
So lets talk Cummings , its rather like a bad comedy at the moment . The Lying cheating scum in charge can do as they like , theres no opposition theres nobody else in the Tory Party gagging for the job of being in charge . The UK is bobbing about like a rudderless ship while we laugh at the latest playground spat . I rather expected Wanksock to burst into "liar liar pants on fire " when he was corned by the press yesterday . Boris merely slugs down another Chuck A Mucka organic cocktail enjoying his notoriety as Pleb Killer in Chief . Ive come to the conclusion that we have the government we deserve . Its all a bit fall of the roman empire without the empire existing except in the Tories minds . What next Boris biting the heads off kittens in a live broadcast? while the Britains got Talent watchers cheer him on . "Thats our Boris , one of the lads"