Thursday, 8 August 2019


I think im turning into the annoying old biddy at the tills of late , you know the one who holds a huge queue up over some triviality . So i went into one of the bargain shops in Lincoln pottered around picked up some weird food items and they had a shelf full of camping stove gas unmarked but theyre usually when they have them around the £1 mark , i got to the till she totted it up and it came to over £20 . So i chimed up WHAT.  it turned out the camping gas was £3.47 each , so i said they can go back i dont want them . Well she got a bit of a huff on and summoned the manager . He turns up , looks and says that cant be right , scans one £3.47 . errrrrr so then he goes and gets a spreadsheet from the office has a look and it says four pack for £3.47 . Hooray that was the mystery solved . but he said weve had them in for weeks and your the only person noticed .  It does annoy me when things dont have the price on the shelf , the worst offender is the PoundShop  you get to the till and it comes to some ridiculous amount , its even worse when its busy and its all self service tills , you can grind the whole place to a halt just by questioning something . So be aware if your in Lincoln  and theres a moaning old biddy holding things up at the till its probably me 


  1. I remember be in Morrison's after a refurbishment and so many prices were missing that I found the manager and said 'i trust everything with no price is free, as there seems to be so many' Show me he said, I pointed to 5 without moving. He was ver apologetic, annoying nevertheless.

    1. when you get to the tills and it clocks up a different price ...aaarrrggghhh

  2. You have to have your wits about you in a shop. btw, visiting Lincoln is on my bucket list.

    1. dont panic its a nice easy place to drive and park in ...though the parking is hideous in some of the car parks

  3. One of my pet peeves is doing the shopping only to find by the time I get to the till there is only one open and a great long Que . I finally get nearer the front and then the person in

    front of me who only has three things waits
    till they have slowly packed everything had a
    conversation with the checkout person about
    their mother in laws third cousins wart and only then looks for there purse , or worse
    pays with a check , by which time I have lost the will to live .

    1. im probably the old biddy causing the hold up

  4. Recently I needed some extra jam jars. My husband said he would look in the local cheapy shop and bought a pack of 4 for a pound. I was still a bit short, so he said that he would get some more. When he took them to the till the assistant very aggresively said that the price on them was wrong and that they should be a pound each. He pointed out that he had already bought them at that price and that the price was also shown on the shelf edge. Her reply? "Well, they won't be that price next time you come in!" But she must have been wrong as he went in especially to check a couple of days later and it hadn't been changed. Service with a sneer, priceless!

  5. Lol Kate, surely everything in the pound store is a pound🤣

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