Tuesday, 28 March 2023


 Heres an odd fact, i think im forgetting how to talk . I see so few people in the flesh these days and himself just expects yes dear to his endless rambling about rusty crap and aliens . Daughter took me out on Saturday night to see the Peatbog Fairies at Lincoln Drill Hall it was my late xmas present and i struggled being in a crowd then started to lose my voice when we were sat next to the most boring man in the world . He was telling me all about Robert Plant and his love of Genesis ...AAARRGGHHH the band however were very good so not a bad night . First time ive been out in years . So this got me thinking i can go months these days without conversation other than on line , most of my friends have died and im no great age .  what friends used to visit dont come by any more because of fuel costs or have moved nearer their children, in the summer himself used to get a few of his minions passing through but once again death and illness have taken there toll. I suppose im fortunate in that i can amuse myself and im self reliant for most things . I have never had a social life wherever ive lived , it was always work work and more work till himself became ill . The neighbours all keep themselves to themselves , except in the summer when its all sitting outside slugging bottles of wine till all hours , then in a daytime its a ghost village because everyones at work . We have no shop , the pubs all meals for the tourists and the few hardcore bar sitters , they have a community market a couple of times a month in the village hall , which i cant afford to use and the  Post Office van for a couple of hours a week and thats about it. So i sit here counting pennies and mileages in my head most days ...lol   Lifes good but it isnt very intesting  


  1. I was very isolated when we lived in the boat, if I did speak to anyone, Steve always joined in and monopolized the conversation. Where we live now there are meetings every afternoon in the summer house. I did join in when we first moved here but now my hearing has deteriorated to such an extent that I can no longer follow conversations.

    1. maybe we could swap as mine has no awareness of his volume and shouts constantly

  2. Same here where we live - on the rare occasions when I'm out on my own talking to neighbours, husband will usually come out to find me and then totally takes over the conversation, so I don't get a look in after that. Annoying isn't it.

    1. mine cant stand for long or walk very far but he got a security camera so he can watch whatever i do

  3. I have never been a 'mixer' it was just Tom and the family but since he's gone it's really just me and the 2 kids, other one is in Scotland. I am not too bothered as I have things to amuse me, just want some nice weather so that I can get out a bit more but I know what you mean. Briony

  4. I can be chatting to a friend or my relative and mine will butt in - I've seen the surprise on people's faces - One time whilst my elderly friend and I were talking I noticed he was girating his hips ( daytime outside no music,) for attention I think - and whilst chatting again with another friend he lay on the grass on his back and kicked his legs in the air ! x

    1. This made me chuckle , if mine got on the ground i could never get him up ...lol

  5. I find I'm not forgetting how to talk..I hardly go anywhere like you…I find I don’t want to talk. I was never one for small talk anyway.
