Monday, 6 January 2020

Kettle of Fish

Everytime we think all the drama in life is over for a while something happens
Which Idiot gave Trump a drone for Xmas?  While most of his minders were still on their xmas holidays hes done a stunner  , hopefully they took the nuke codes with them or put them in a safe knowing he couldnt remember the combination .
As a friend in America pointed out , he thinks hes safe in America surrounded by his yes men , but theres a rumour that Iraq have posted an 80 million contract on his life . now all his bodyguards are looking at each other and wandering who might cash in . But personally i figure there are an awful lot of people ordering land mines on Amazon and eying his golf courses with interest .

Meanwhile our esteemed leader is missing in action , theorys include major heart attack while mounting a dumb blond . I prefer that hes had to be sent for reprogramming due to a major software problem , he cant stop shouting Get Brexit Done at inopportune moments .  Theyve found he has insufficient memory to store a complete speech ? or they cant stop him flinging his arms around while mumbling in Greek .
Cummings meanwhile is running the show while they 3d print a new leader. With Raab as his current puppet , never has a bloke looked so worried that hes going to say something wrong .

Meanwhile in the real world that actually matters to us , wasnt xmas TV shocking ? Endless repeats into infinity and beyond . Dr Who has turned into a bad Scooby Doo !! We started watching Dracula and gave up , to mumbly , dire accents and where did all the nuns spring from ?  In the event the boys let me loose on their Netflix accounts , thousands of programmes but again dire TV is universal .  Im quite liking a lot of Korean stuff and some rather good historical Chinese epics of an afternoon while getting on with yet more of the neverending patchwork quilt that has been going on for a couple of winters . Mr BH doesnt notice, ive found his headphones so he can sit and shout into his radios quite happily for hours


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