Friday, 7 June 2019


Oh to have the time for blogging , i think ive slept more this week than i have in months every time ive sat down ive been snoring ,  in bed for 10 every night but up at silly oclock when the birds start singing, not so much singing its a pair of Magpies having a rave outside the bedroom window . The joys of the countryside im afraid , i can even hear them with my earplugs in
Thought id bring you up to date on the latest Young Baldrick fiasco , hes cut us off altogether im afraid , we havent seen the baby or them since March , now im not sure who is the guilty party in this latest spat between MR Bah Humbug and him over something or nothing . Im not getting involved , im not interested.  I have my suspicions what is going on as Mr BHs ex wife is back in town having split from her partner and she moved in with them for a while. But I thought we had got past all this years ago . . But i like Young Baldricks partner , her kids were even as odd as mine were growing up, plus Little Charlie is gorgeous.  Families who'd have them , stubborn males at their best .
Its fish spawning season so at least were getting a break from the fishing for a couple of weeks , but now Mr BH has a new chariot hes trying to get out more , we went to Newark Auto Jumble last weekend , memo to oneself do not walk on crappy lumpy limestone tracks for miles , your ankles will throb for days , didnt buy a think apart from a rubber doormat . Somehow i found a gorgeous Singer sewing machine from the 1870s but i needed to buy bulk cat food the next day , so i left it for somebody else . Mr Bah Humbug even took me for Sunday dinner out , a major miracle , it was pretty crap to be truthful , the meat was lovely the veg was soggy and the roast potatoes were a deep fried abomination , but he paid for a meal out ,a minor miracle,  usually its a whole rant about wasting money. Hes been very gratingly pleasant to me at the moment , im sure i will figure it


  1. I'm glad Mr BH is trying to be pleasant.

    Steve was somewhat taken aback when someone in the marina said he knew we were back as he heard him shouting at me.

  2. Magpies can be surprising loud when they get riled up over something.
    Hope the family situation improves soon x

  3. Nice Mr BH is been pleasant these days. Such a shame when there is a fall in within families, hopefully it will all work out in the end.

  4. I,m sure the ex Mrs BH loves you so much. She got away from Mr BH ,now she can watch some other poor bugger get treated like shit, physically look after the man she escaped from. All the while knowing you are being abused emotionally and financially.

    1. Not a long term follower i guess ? Mr BH has neurological problems that result in some pretty vile side effects , when i met him you couldnt have found a more fun and caring partner and we had a lot of great years , now we live on the flashes of normal in our lives . Im not of the view that just because your toy is a bit broken you toss it in the bin and replace it with the newest model ...His ex left him because he was the wrong gender for her

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