So yesterday in his sudden urge to go out loads i was dragged to Newark Showground yet again, this time for Retro Fest , a tired naughty munchkin in tow and Useful son . Im so glad when he comes anywhere with us as the new buggy is far heavier than the old one and it will be the death of me , still no nearer to his lordship getting the lift fitted that has sat at home for over a year .ho hum
After the monsoon on Saturday the weather was glorious , tons of stalls for me and the munchkin to potter round and we did manage to lose the others for a while as MrBH was on his Grumpy in pain mode . Munchkin was amazed that the stalls were selling the tat ive collected for pennies down the years. It seems i am accidently trendy these days in the world of homewares . There were tons of clothing stalls and lots of folks in as the munchkin calls it, Fancy Dress. Mainly on an americana theme but also lots of Wartime people . I did quite like this one its more varied than other events , tons of vehicles for Mr and Son to drool and lust over , lots of bad live music .
They all looked rather worried when i decided to roam round the vintage caravan encampments , they are growing on me, Mr BH says theyre no use to him with his level of disability .
Thats right, but we have a towbar and i could have a little one just for me , so now hes got that horrified look on his face yet
Sounds like a fun day out.
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