Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Blow Job

Well that should up the visitor figures shouldnt it...lol
Though it seemed appropriate talking about Boris doesnt it ? In the bizarre political theater served up for our amusement of late , Boris is the lead horror character in the Conservative Party leadership battle , dear Christ , what have we become . Another polished turd from that academy of dreams Eton . Scarily uncouth and craftily intelligent hes rubbing his hands together in glee at the thought of a country at his mercy till the next General Election , just think of the money he and his mates will rob in that time period , it will be like the vikings on a pillage.  If Blair could sail away loaded and without ending his days in a cell just think of what damage this creature can do .
But is it all a front? is he just the wingman for the real horror candidate Rory the ex MI6 , honestly i wasnt a spook candidate , if he worked for that lot theres a fair bet hes got something on all of them and may well be playing the long game . Is this scary weasel the actual puppet master?
Meanwhile theres Saint Teresa lurking in the wings with her axe , not sure shes going to go quietly at all, you get the feeling theres one last blast left in the old lass .
We live in interesting times , its enough to give you galloping paranoia


  1. My ratings doubled when I used sex and the courgette as a title.

  2. Ah, the old chinese "blessing" - "May you live in interesting times".....! We certainly do ����

  3. I think we are living through nightmare times. I know WW2 was dreadful but at least people knew what they were dealing with, this lot are as slippery as a net full of eels!

  4. I always dreaded going to the hairdressers and asking for a cut and blow job instead of cut and blow dry.

  5. I think Margaret Thatcher once made the classic blunder of saying blow job when she meant blow dry

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