Thursday, 10 January 2019


For those of us who are in the Lincoln area heres this years first list of Cat charity Jumble Sales , I would hasten to add this is Lincoln UK not Lincoln Nebraska . This prompt is caused by the fact that my daft other half once booked us in at a Steakhouse for a meal , at a place i'd never heard of , he then said its got a weird postcode , mmmm very weird , it had a Zip code !!  The internet is a dangerous place for cripples taking interesting drugs .....he has never lived this one down and it was a few years ago .
  • 12 January Jumble Sale @ Royal Naval Club,Coulson Road 12 til 2
  • 16 February Jumble Sale @ Washingborough Community Centre,Fen Lane,Washingborough 12 til 2
  • 16 March Spring Fayre @ Birchwood Scout Hut,Woodfield Avenue 11 til 1.30
  • 13 April Jumble Sale @ St John the Baptist Church Hall,Ravendale Drive,Ermine East 12 til 2
  • 18 May Jumble Sale @ St Giles Parish Church Hall,Lamb Gardens 12 til 2
  • 15 June Summer Fayre @ Birchwood Scout Hut, Woodfield Avenue 11 til 1.30
  • 20 July Jumble Sale @ Washingborough Community Centre,Fen Lane 12 til 2
  • 17 August Jumble Sale @ St John the Baptist Church Hall,Ravendale Drive,Ermine East 12 til 2
  • 14 September Autumn Fayre @ Birchwood Scout Hut,Woodfield Avenue 11 til 1.30
  • 12 October TBA
  • 16 November Jumble Sale @ Washingborough Community Centre,Fen Lane 12 til 2
  • 14 December Christmas Fayre & Grand Draw@ Birchwood Scout Hut,Woodfield Avenue 11 til 1.30


  1. That's a brilliant list. Thank you for posting it.

  2. I'm not sure if there are Jumble Sales around here, I'd love to have a rummage in one.

  3. I must admit, since moving I do have a yearning for a good car boot sale.

  4. Me too, serious envy, I just love a jumble.
    Here in the US they are as rare as rocking horse shoes.
    Pam in Texas.x
