Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Boring Tuesday

What can I say ? Ive nearly ground to a standstill , most of my work for this month has been cancelled after a stunning paperwork screw up by the office , that means of course that there will be not much pay coming my way yet again . Ive had an interesting conversation with the bank about the amount they would like me to pay them off their arrears and the amount theyre actually going to be getting . Nice girl , didnt quite grasp that im well aware of the circumstances im in and that they cant CCJ me for less than £500 . but hey ho past caring, theyve had my statements of income , it will still hopefuly be cleared by xmas , we have food and a roof over our heads and legal vehicles what else matters...lol
So ive been catching up on chores ,not bothering in the house because of the mess weve got to look forward to later in the month , its slow doing the garden stuff but i know that it doesnt take a lot to end with the back pain from hell , so im pacing myself and trying to do one job a day . Today was top up the front door planters with salvaged fishtank gravel , they look sort of odd but colourful , I can live with that .
Spent most of Sunday sticking dolly into a dress made from 25p clothing salvage , due to everybody but sarcastic son leaving the building , still got the hand sewing part to do but she looks so much nicer without her plastic bits hanging out . Still my favourite dolly , im sure i saw a nice lacy cardigan in the big bag of vintage dolly clothes from the jumble .

Managed to swap a big bag of eating apples for a huge bag of Bramleys , now have to motivate myself to use them , apple pie has been requested , but its that time of the year where i find motivation a huge problem every year ,so im sat staring at them thinking really do i have to ?
I think its the thought of another hospital trip with Young Baldrick on Friday , I should have a huge sign on my forehead saying mug , im hoping he behaves a little better this time as its just a scan


  1. I know that back pain Katie so you just take care of yourself and don't overdo by even one tiny bit. I once made the mistake of lifting Ruby up and ended up walking like John Wayne for six months. I have also put it out lifting a telephone directory so it's easily done.

    1. Best one I've done is reach up for a tin of beans and end up stuck in the Adolf hitler salute position for a week

  2. Know what you mean about time of year, the fear of dark and cold days to come is not cheering. I am taking every sunny day as it comes and getting out in garden or for a walk to build up to those endless wet and cold days. Celebrate each little achievement you make

  3. Thank you for the brilliant tip you left on my blog. It made me laugh and was just what I needed to pick me up.
    I do hope that your life gets easier soon. Take care.
