Wednesday, 4 October 2023


Sorry im neglecting you all at the moment , ive been a tad under the weather and im getting there slowly . pottered down the garden yesterday for the first time in nearly two weeks only to find my 20 year old wellies have developed a hole and the veg has snuck up on me . ive squash hiding everywhere , the green beans are monumental and something has eaten off my spring cabbages despite them being in a cage ?? At least we had a windy day yesterday and ive caught up on the washing . The usual high level of help from the other members of the household  means ive a lot of catching up to do . Though himself has enjoyed eating loads of tinned crap nuked in the microwave by son . Getting the mould and stench out of the fridge is a challenge as they just left everything fresh to go rotten ..ho hum . Himself pointed out that i need to stock up on tins , he has no idea that i have many more hiding places than just the tin cupboard , being a sly prepper is a way of life 


  1. Hi Kate, sorry to here that you have been unwell x I have missed your blogging as you always make me laugh x

    1. i guess i will never be normal old biddy , but thats not what i aspire to

  2. Hello Kate I have missed your blogs and are pleased you are feeling better and back with us. Keep those stashes(is that a proper word) going and stay strong. Val

  3. its the trying to do things quietly and secret squirrel stuff in thats a problem
