Tuesday, 17 October 2023


 So heres a wee rant....bleedin phones have they become the biggest cause of mental health problems in the world?  Teenagers with hate at the end of their arms ?  Its become to easy to drop down the rabbit hole , teenagers who never sleep because theres always some other muppet sharing dumb ass tic toc at 3am . What has occasioned this rant im watching peoples  life being destroyed by the mobile phone , all the endless shots of where youve been,  what a good time they are all having , the perfect lives of people who are so far from perfect in the real world . Do they have a partner who expects an answer every 20 seconds to his puerile where are you? what you doing? its like collective brainwashing . I had a whole conversation with grandson on how his lovelife isnt going well , because the girl hes besotted with runs every sentence past her friends ..WTF  so i made a really wild suggestion ..why dont you both turn off your phones when your together ? The look of horror said it all , i pointed out they could actually talk to each other and get to know each other . Then i heard him chatting to his mate about using their mobiles in class!!  the technology to block phone signals is inexpensive why arent schools using it ? give the teachers a walkie talkie each to call for back up if they need it ..thats another problem solved . 

My daughters struggling due to the pressure of being perfect , shes always been a high achiever and expects far to much of herself , she has a high responsibility job , she thinks she must have the perfect home the perfect life . Turn the damned phone off when youre finished for the day , live with your washing yurt , the cat prints on the floor the fact you go to bed to sleep because youre both to knackered to put on a huge sexual performance that your phone tells you every body else is doing . 

Step away from the phone it is ruining your lives !!! 


  1. I agree with everything you say. Fortunately only one of my kids is addicted to her phone. But all the grandchildren seem permanently attached to theirs.

  2. When I was happily made redundant from my managerial job a few years ago (due to relocation) I had to train the new manager for a few weeks. On my last day he asked if I had any final words of advice. "Yes", I said, "Remember your (work) phone has an off switch". Our senior manager had a habit of not only sending texts for reminders of the next day's activities, but actually expecting a reply at 2.30 a.m.

  3. My bugbear is mothers ignoring small children because they are glued to their phones.

    1. or the ones who give the phone to kids that arent even one.....grrr

  4. I have a very simple solution to mobile phone problems in my life - I don't own one and I manage to function just fine in the modern world. My 20 year old nephew on the other hand seems to have his mobile permanently welded to his hand.

  5. I'm always on my phone - because it's got a Kindle app and I read on it.

    The rise of the picture perfect life online is so damaging. Not to mention the stupid trends where they're swallowing tide pods and goodness knows what else! I kept such a close eye on my son, but there's only so much you can do.

  6. I saw a mother on a bus - fixated with her phone - baby in pushchair with a packet of monster munch x

  7. Agreed! Catriona
