Sunday, 28 March 2021

Plague 107 Spring

 So Spring is officially sprung ,glorious sunshine  and a wind thats colder than a witches tit as my Gran would say , plus horizontal April showers . Theres something about an English Spring its all flowers and whatever clothes you put on you get the wrong ones . Ive 4 Tomato seedlings sprung to life that i have to manage to get enough light to which without windowsills is always fun , plus the cat loves bowling plant pots Arrrrrggghhh.     Mr BH is still snoring in the distance which is unusual for him , i would imagine the clock changing has scuppered his usual morning shouting for me, so while im sat here tapping my foot I thought id do the Daily Mail online because i have to speak to my mother later and its useful to see what tripe shes going to throw at me .                                                                                                                      It would seem Boris is looking forward to a pint and a haircut , we could wish. Bless hes one of the lads isnt he ? theres an article about his affair  with Jennifer Arcuri and what a stud he is . Dear god in heaven what would any women see in that blustering blob , apparently they had so much in common mentally?  worrying statement of the year so far ?                                                                                                      Theres more Muslim hatred over the Batley teacher showing a Mohammed cartoon to the kids , I would just like to point out that those protesting are neither immigrants or illegals as my mother will doubtless go off on her send them all back rant . Most of those involved are 2nd or third generation English and may be more conservative in their views than most .  There are Christian minorities that have equally extreme views in this country and pretending that their arent doesnt help the issue .                                                     A whole section of Meghan hate , how they manage to spew out so much bile about her beggers belief . Piers Morgan getting his usual hate filled pennyworth in . Never has a man scorned been so sour                Im sure my mother will be ranting about not being able to go on a proper holiday despite never having been abroad because its full of foreigners or going anywhere because it was a waste of money . Her idea of a proper holiday was a week in a Torquay hotel that resembled Faulty Towers back in the 70s , that and a couple of trips to Butlitz Filey and Prestatyn were the big events of my childhood and im still scarred by them . The voice in the distance is calling ..............................byeee


  1. You know the Batley protesters personally do you? You seem to know so much about them.
    in actual fact you won't have a clue about them.

  2. I've been wearing lots of layers of clothes when I go out walking but I get too warm-back in the house it's still really cold-it will be nice to wear less x
