Ho hum , theres nothing interesting in the news , Boris pretending the EU is picking on us and Extinction Rebellion providing more entertainment than Britain's Got Talent , you do get the feeling that theres an awful lot of the bored to tears middle class out there using their rail season tickets to go annoy the government. when you look at the comparisons between America and the UK on the protest front i do think we win for the organised disco dancing protest outside Buckingham Palace . One thing i have missed during lockdown was my monthly discussion with my elderly Jehovah's Witnesses theyve been visiting for over 15 years and just before lockdown they said they were being replaced with an online service which i told them seemed very sad as Keith was now in his 90s and had been witnessing most of his life, his partner knew i would always give him a chair and listen to him , lovely bloke with some great tales to tell , i do think witnessing was very much a social event for him , i do hope hes ok. Mr BH does say that i collect cats and Christians wherever i go I ventured into a charity shop this week to top up my winter reading pile in their 10p sale , suddenly realised im down to one drawer of to be read in the filling cabinet , these days half of what i get to read i start and realise ive already read they have just reissued stuff in a new cover or its just boring formula twaddle . I was also looking for a few extra mugs , Mr BH has been smashing them a lot lately his grip is crap at the best of times but he wont admit defeat and get a cripple mug as he so charmingly calls them , plus they have to be just right for him , no china because he scalds himself without realising , handle big enough for his big fingers , right size must be able to dunk in properly , so finding the correct 20p mug isnt all that easy ...lol...
I worked my way through my reading pile in lockdown, so am now purposely re-reading those old favourites that I always meant to re-read 'one day'. I think I will have to re-stock for winter though, as I am only revisiting the best of the best.
ReplyDeleteI know what Mr BH means about mugs - I'm choosy too but willing to pay an extravagant 50p for a right one!
ReplyDeleteI've really been into reading the last six weeks but I do use the library app on my phone which means no travelling.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely vile. Don't you know how offensive the word cripple is to someone with a disability? You need to educate yourself.