Thursday, 5 September 2019

Wish Me Luck

So this empty nest lark is sort of strange , just sarcastic son at home now and hes unlikely to go anywhere , dont know ive got him most of the time but hes going into his sisters big bedroom that still has loads of stuff shes abandoned  at the moment ,shes taking more each time she pops in , though i will be glad to see the back of her smelly fish tank , needs decorating badly but its going to be on a very limited budget . So far i won a really posh double brass bed for £20 on ebay that we fetched yesterday , buyer collect items often dont fetch much on ebay if theyre rural . I also ordered 2 big boxes of mixed colour recycled carpet tiles from a social enterprise on ebay that have surprised me by the quality and they were 2 packs for 1 . Greenstream flooring on ebay i would recommend them . Just all the painting to do and the mold to try and remove now, hes not fussy abount paint colour so i may mix all the odd bits of emulsion i have kicking about and he can have beige of some shade . Curtains he can pick from the pile in the airing cupboard .  We acheived getting the huge 50s wardrobe apart nobody wants it not even charities, everything has to be modern and from Ikea it appears, so on to the autumn bonfire it must go . other smaller furniture can be rehomed at the local car boot . we can deliver locally.
Todays chore of horror is a visit to the Council about the housing benefit , wish me luck .  I spoke to our caseworker about the bedroom tax business and she says i must stand my ground and refuse to go on to Universal Workhouse , that this is just a change of circumstance not grounds for reapplication . Im taking Mr Bah Humbug as an unreliable witness , but he looks good

One for the pussys this weekend

Jumble Sale 
Birchwood Scout Hut, Woodfield Avenue, Birchwood, Lincoln 
Saturday 7th September 2019 
10am - 12 o'clock noon 
30p Entrance 
Jumble ~ housewares ~ soft toys, children's toys and books ~ books, DVD's, CD's ~ bric a brac ~ furniture (when available) ~ refreshments and cakes 

Please come along and support your favourite Lincoln Cat Charity. 
Registered Charity no. 1150145
Price: 0.30p


  1. There is a jumble sale near me on Saturday, I'm really hoping to get there.

    1. it is officially jumble sale season now , not much i need but still a few bits on the list

  2. Thanks for the link. I have just ordered some carpet tiles from them.

  3. I can't read "Wish me Luck" without singing..."as you wave me goodbye"! so I hope you get back from Housing benefit office OK!

  4. If the fish tank smells it's because of a lack of maintenance. Cleaning it and cleaning the filter would help. Poor fish.
