Wednesday, 10 July 2019

Prep On

Todays blog is on the behalf of the Monster Raving Preppers Society . Shortly after the cat was crushed by a stack of Frey Bentos Pies Mr Bah Humbug made me stop buying extras each week so now i have to hide what i buy
The cupboards are bulging and i have my eye on the brick shed that the boys have used for gaming once the munchkin and daughter leave in August.
I think ive been very sensible i have amassed a mountain of cat food , now im concentrating on a few extra household products and once the shed is free , it may become bog roll storage .. i managed quite well for 6 months during the Great DWP famine of 2017 , im currently not far from that level of food storage .  Im not a Brexit panic person , we can panic once Boris is trying to organise his version of Brexit on behalf of the Tory Reich .
I do not think we will be without food , just without foodstuffs that would be our first choice and once the panic buyers and those who would like a big telly to curb their hunger pangs finish rioting things will settle down . There will be a lot of unemployment yet again , but dont worry the rich will get richer if nothing else.
Im second cropping the garden this year if the good weather holds till November all well and good , some will need a bit of cover , if we get a cold snap it can go in the compost heap its just the ends of packets for the sake of using them .
Trying to not take the freezer for granted , we do get a lot of power cuts being very rural , but theyre not for long . But it strikes me that its the parts we order to maintain infrastructure that may be a bit thin on the ground for a while. 
Just remember the Reich will only provide for their own and London , they really dont give a toss about anyone else .
I knew there was something i forgot....camping stove gas . ...Off to mumble in a corner and plan what else i need to smuggle in ....ha ha ha (weird cackle from the corner )


  1. I have food stocks too though in my case they are in my wardrobe and bathroom cupboards.

  2. We have an endless supply of dried pulses... already out of date because I never think to use them. I could do with a big sort out and get it used up.

    1. they do get a bit tough after the first year but still usable if theres nothing better

  3. I keep a lot of offer meat and butter in the freezer. Dried products in the larder. Tonnes of offer toilet roll, sample, shower gel etc under the bed. It all helps.

    1. its when you notice you need a ladder to get into the bed, then you know you have a problem

  4. I used to think prepping was just for folks in places like tornado alley where they have weather much wilder than our quiet climate in Suffolk but Brexit with Boris might be worse than a tornado!

    1. prepping is for those of us who dont go out much in a winter , plus those who think the Tesco deliveries wont always be there

  5. Hello, I dont know if you know this blog, but the lady who runs it is in the (I think) Knitting and Crocheting guild and seems to be running the archive. I wondered if she might be interested in some of you very old patterns or if you would be interested to read her blog articles on the patterns and publications, all the best, Sine Robertson

    1. just bookmarked that one, a rainy day read , thanks Sine

  6. OOPs sorry the blog on Knit and crochet patterns is knitting archive

  7. Batteries are another good thing to stock up on living in rural Lincolnshire, in readiness for powercuts. Radio and torches are a necessity. I must admit I am so over all this Brexit talk I will just be glad when it is all over.

    1. living out here i dont think much of the town and city problems will apply to us , but i dont think we can expect any help from government , so fuel and water could be a problem if anything breaks down

  8. Oh well guess you can not bother about the unemployment bit!. As you have not been arsed to work for years. Hope benefits for scroungers go down!.

  9. I keep a decent pantry but there a lot of good offers on this week - flyers came out last night - so I will be doing a bit more stocking up. More canned food, TP, batteries and some frozen veg are on my list. Better to buy when it's on sale than have to buy at full price because you are desperate.
    Just carry on as you are.

    1. we have a lot of wind up torches and a radio , his lordship has huge batteries for his radio stuff , hes been looking at mini solar panels and baby wind stuff for a while now to power them
