Wednesday, 13 February 2019


At the moment things are a tad hectic for no apparent reason , the days seem to be flying past . I think its because im sleeping so much it really isnt like me , i could snore 20 hours a day of late
But im starting to want to get out and do stuff again , not that i have the funds to do much , did get a laugh at some of the suggestions of cheap things for the middle aged to do articles in the press .
Join a walking group ...i live in the middle of a gorgeous country leisure resort area , i walk because im skint and have no fuel , plus im really antisocial
Book Club Anyone ?  I have never understood the urge to sit together and discuss a book , I read everywhere even in traffic jams , im rarely more than a foot from a book , plus the stuff bookclubs read isnt what i would want to read .
Craft Clubs , I tried , I really tried , but it always went wrong , theres always some bloody know all , who wants to tell you how what your doing is wrong and they know how to make it better , then i switch to sarcasm mode and mince them , or its noisy and i cant function in a room where theres lots of chatter .
I hasten to add , none of this means that i have a mental issue or social phobia , years of kids on the autistic spectrum means im well aware I have a sound processing issues and struggle in a room full of people , parties and nightclubs as a teen were to be avoided where possible and you cant imagine the trouble i used to get in where all i could do was nod during a conversation .. My hearing is perfect , its been tested unpteen times , thats why the internets great for me , i never have the sound on the puter , i love silence .  People always assume im deaf if im ignoring them , but i just cant pick up individual conversations from most background noise and i do have to lipread a fair bit .  My friend has a son of 9 with a similar problems and he spends most of his time with huge sound deadening headphones on , back in my childhood they just tried to beat your weird out of you , but my gran just gave me wax earplugs , she had the same problem .


  1. There are certain sounds which actually make me feel physically sick. I think it must be something to do with the frequency of the sound waves or something. I am not a group person either. I enjoy crafting and books, but the joy (for me) of both things is that they are quiet and absorbing, rather than a group activity.

    1. never been more glad than when Charlie next door packed up his chainsaw and left the village

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't like certain types of noise neither. I get her irritable and snappy when a tv is too loud, it interferes with my brain. I much prefer ear plugs to listen through.

    1. spend a week with my other half and him shouting at his

  3. I'm not keen on craft groups either. Before long they turn into a load of women sitting around bitching about someone or other. When you say 'That's a bit unkind'. It doesn't go down well with the regulars. Much prefer my computer too.

    1. the one at the church is called stitch and bitch

  4. Although I used to teach paper crafting to groups of ladies the thought of me joining a craft club or group fills me with horror.
    I also have a low tolerance for noise. The sound of my neighbour using his log splitter all day long almost always ends with me in tears and on the verge of screaming.

  5. Your body is obviously letting you know it needs sleep, just go with it! I have 25% hearing loss and have great difficulty hearing people in a group situation or crowded place, the background noise interferes too much. And my tinnitus is a nuisance too, the constant white noise drives me crackers sometimes.

  6. I love crafting but not sure I could cope in a group of woman trying to outdo each other.

  7. I tried a craft group but it was just women gossiping about everyone else in the village!
    Great joy......Another Jumble sale this saturday!

    1. im the one they gossip about in this village ..i think it runs along the lines of stone them theyre benefit scroungers

  8. Hello Katie,I have been reading over your past blogs and I know how you feel.I have had it for the last 10 years..but things are starting to look slightly on the up for me.I hope that they do for you too.I understand how bad it can get.x

    1. currently things arent that bad compared to 2017

  9. I'm glad I'm not alone in the noise thing. Excessive noise makes me want to run away and take to the hills.
