Today Mr Bah Humbug was my driver on mission cheap food from Grimsby and Cleethorpes , bought an awful lot of food , so now the freezer looks a lot healthier even if the food we bought wasnt on a healthy eating plan
Here are some i threw on the scanner earlier!! |
Being as he was in such a good mood because hed scored loads of Turkey Jerky and tinned meat for fishing , I thought id pop into the Salvation Army at Grimsby they have a charity shop upstairs at The Citadel only open on a Saturday morning , I could have bought loads but managed to fill a bag for a £1 with yet more little bits and bobs of household linen , love the 70s mushroom mat , amazing cutwork doily , 60s Lerner hankie in lawn , hankies just because i like them , crocheted doilies , appliqued mats and of course yet more vintage pillowcases , far more than shown here . Mr Bah Humbugs remark when I came out ? Is That IT , guess he knows me to well
Tomorrow has a biggie car boot it gives glorious sunshine, Banovallum School at Horncastle , so up early and off with the munchkin tomorrow , Mr Bah Humbug is off fishing so there will be no witnesses
Wish me luck !!!
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