Saturday, 12 November 2022

Wibble Wibble

 im really living in the land of the batty at the moment , himself is sat on the sofa talking and snoring  , hes had to heavily medicate having done something interesting while disabled fishing . I would imagine hes fallen as he wouldnt even get in the shower last night or this morning ...ho hum its going to be a long weekend . Planned to go to the jumble today but unless i can get a sitter i would think it will be another whole week staring at the walls .

Got a phonecall from a rehabilitation nurse about Mommy Dearest , and once again had to explain that she cant come home to me as i have other commitments , why can nobody read her bleedin notes ?  She did in fact attack the woman in the next bed and has been moved to another ward . They cant get her to interact she just tells them all to fuck off they have a meeting about her next week to decide whether she needs to be in secure accommodation rather than rehabilitation and they want us to apply for power of attorney so that she cant make her own care decisions again . Ive been trying to look up the cost , her neighbor sent me a picture of the mountains of bills that she has accumulated in 7 weeks , the neighbor is also owed money for her shopping her gardener and window cleaner etc , im just hoping i can get some of the cost of living payment off himself before he goes on another spending spree . i just dont have a penny to my name at the moment £69 doesnt go far ...AAARRRGGGHJHHH


  1. I feel for you but I realise my sympathy will be of no practical help. Could you get to a citizens advice ?

    1. theres an 8 week weight for the citizens advice ...AAARRRGGHH

  2. Sounds a bit late for power of attorney. You,re mother will now be classed as a risk to herself and others, is not managing own finances and you previously said she disowned you. . For her to agree to power of attorney she has to be of sound mind and agree to it. Hospital will go to court and appoint a solicitor to deal with both health and financial welfare if she is deemed unable to do so herself. There appear to be issues of cognition or the hospital would have called police in a view to prosecution for bodily assault of a fellow patient,

  3. I've commented here before that your mother sounds very much like mine. Luckily we were estranged by the time a family friend agreed to have POA and one of the rows we had was that she was adamant I should have attorney and I was as adamant that hell would freeze over first. Elderly people think they just want to get on with their lives but ignore the fact that we all do that on condition that we're not attacking other people as we do it! I spent three years working with older adults as a newly qualified nurse and they were the most terrifying years of my life, then I moved to eating disorders because they were less complicated and more amenable to being helped!

    1. shes had a monk on since i said I wouldnt be her executor , apparently she told other family members that im a thief and to stupid to do the job

  4. I think I would be tempted to tell him you need some cash because there are personal products that you must have regularly which you cannot get on prescription - and you did try - £ 7•55 per week x

    1. i do keep pocketing the change if he sends me to get stuff but its getting increasingly hard to pay with cash here
