Wednesday, 9 November 2022


 It took 5 days to track mother down to the right hospital and ward and the verdict is that shes been sent dolally by a water infection. Cousin managed to break in to the hospital yesterday and see her . He was there with my 90 year old uncle who had fallen out of bed split his head open and sat 3 days with a tea towel on his head and not said a word , his carers hadnt noticed and i presume thought the teatowel was a fashion statement ? Anyway mother is hallucinating but they say its the drugs , she has also taken against one of the women on her ward and told my cousin that she plans to kill her . I did ask my cousin if he had informed the staff but he thought she was joking , im not so sure, But the plan apparently is that shes going to the rehabilitation hospital once theres a place , because theres nothing medically wrong with her . Dear old Uncle Roy chimed in with ...thats where they send you to die if your a nuisance.

 Im sure im living in some weird dystopian nightmare between mommy dearest and other half and his weirdness he generously gave me a $5 note for the groceries and told me to treat myself with the change. Oh and the staff nurse who asked me if i was having psychiatric treatment ..AAARRRGGHH   


  1. Sending hugs. It's so hard.

    Though the nurse may be on to something - you're being actively driven daft!

    Does himself understand how much food is eaten? Can you show him a supermarket website with the prices and tell him what you would need to spend to make his favourite meal from scratch? Or is he being wilfully blind about it?

    1. think hes gone to the delusional male fairyland where they go online and see feed your family for 50p a day its better than facing the realities of actually shopping

  2. It absolutely fascinates me how a water infection makes folks go doolally! I've experienced it via family friends and elderly relatives a plenty and yet still it baffles me!
    So - what did you get with the change?!!!!!
