Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Plague 81

 So im enjoying the morning silence , MR BH is snoring for England in the distance , he had his scans yesterday and hes drugged up to his limits at the moment having injured himself trying to get on and off a non adjustable bed at the scan center , he will be fine just his everyday problems .                                         Has anyone else noticed that the rest of the world has ceased to exist ? the only news we seem to see is local Covid stuff and nothing else , even the papers are much the same is the world still out there?  We are been fed endless can Boris save Xmas at every turn while theyre not mentioning the following week and the beginning of the Brexit shambles , the only worry i have on that front is any loss of electricity supply as we have no fire places and are reliant on electric to run the heating , other half having unstable angina he has to stay warm and temperature change is a well known trigger for attacks , i keep bidding on cylinder gas fires online , but no luck so far .  But they do say that the whole of Europe could have power outages this winter if the weather turns grim , because everyone is at home using far more energy .  Having oil heating its surprising how few people realise that the pumps run on electric . Must remember to order some more hot water bottles , though shopping online is such fun , I ordered a memory foam pillow wedge the other day and when it turned up it was child sized a very small child at that , it had no resemblance to the pictures online where you could prop yourself up in bed with it , so back it is going , i will have to join the queue down the road at the only post office for miles , more hassle ...AARRGGHHH


  1. Thank goodness I have a wood burner and we are well stocked up with wood. It's made all those trips to 'fallen trees' worth it. We are lucky enough to pretty much have an endless supply of free wood as long as we are prepared to cut it up and haul it home. It's far better and much more fun than any workout or gym membership.

    1. the powers that be bricked up the only fireplace in the house many years ago.

  2. We have oil but as you say it does need electric for it to run. I am thankful for the peat we have and the logs/coal that we had bought in the summer. Take care.

  3. Although we live in the city, I have always had a wood stove as an emergency backup. When you get -30 to -40C weather every winter, you dont need to freeze if the power goes out. We cleaned the chimney and the stove last week and had a cozy fire to test it all. Covid numbers in Canada are on a sharp rise, even though they knew we would have a second wave come winter. I have stocked up on everything I think we might need in anticipation of another lock down. Take care over there!!

    1. state housing doesnt allow initiative to enter into the equation , so you get whatever eco government grant heating they put in

  4. Goodness I obviously missed the news about power outages! Surely its scaremongering after all, more of us are at home but lots of places are closed, swings and roundabouts! I'll keep some downloaded films on my old phone and my battery pack charged. And I'll sit under my quilt and watch them while staying warm.

    1. ive spent a lot of winters huddled under a quilt with a good book and a hot water bottle

  5. Did I just read that your boy, Boris wants to spend BILLIONS to make the U.K. a super naval power once again? What about feeding and housing people?

    1. Sadly Boris does nothing that doesnt give him a glowing headline for his supporters , persecuting the poor and refugees usually does this. Now its how great a naval power we are
