Saturday, 15 December 2018

Be prepared

No ive not turned into a Scout , but i think my food habits are turning the kitchen into an episode of hoarders .
Somewhat spectacularly Mr Bah Humbug coughed up the money for a xmas grocery shop and not wanting to let him get away with his usual Scrooge like antics I made the most of it . Only last week he was going off his head because i used my cat food money to get a huge half priced ham from Morrisons. I did point out that the cats are very fond of ham and they might let him share it !!
Now ive been squirreling away stuff for xmas for weeks one bit at a time , so I have everything apart from fresh stuff and of all things tin foil left to get . His grandiose gesture was occasioned by middle son stopping for a few days , he will be stopping again for xmas and hes used to a grandad type xmas , different relative every day , xmas heads on people.
Now being crafty I suggested a trip to Grimsby , my favourite butcher being the main reason . Mr BH didnt even notice the boys had craftily taken out his buggy from the car boot , so apart from a potter on his crutches into Freeman street market , which has tons of benches to park him on . we got to steal his wallet and toddle on , the butcher had a big smile for me , we havent been for 4 months and he did me a good deal , tons of beef and lamb burgers from his freezer to mine, a carrier bag of pigs fry because its illegal to sell it , end joints of beef and pork , barbecue mixed grill packs in fact ive enough meat to last the winter with a bit of creativeness , the lid of the freezer is currently weighed down with car batteries its that full , he did say did i want any big turkey carcasses , they supply them ready cooked to hotels who only want the breast meat , but ive got no space otherwise I would have them . he did say hes now got a little Polish bloke taking all the pigs heads and trotters to make brawn , if only i lived nearer i would willingly buy brawn , I used to love it as a kid . Large pork pies from the market  and yet more  peculiar frozen food from the ever useful Heron, they get all the deformed stuff from Youngs that they sell under the excel label , but a trick ive found is that each branch of  Heron sells different boxes of Excel and they have 2 in grimsby , so ive now got a carrier bag of malformed scampi , umpteen fajita sausage rolls and somewhat surprisingly tons of deformed lamb chops this time , next week it may be malformed Pizzas and huge fish fillets you never can tell ,  xmas eve last year it was huge bags of mince pies .
So now the weather can do its worse , we are warm and the DWP cant spoil this xmas , ive bags of food ready to go to other family and friends who have got the miserable xmas we had last year .
Best skint foodie tip for next week , mince is in every reduced bin , nobody buys anything but xmas the week before xmas .


  1. Ooh, wonderful post! Honourable mentions for brawn and for pigs' fry - tasty, tasty, very, very tasty!

  2. Hi, I've never heard of pigs fry what is it. Heather

    1. pork cubes pork kidney pork liver all slow cooked forever with a few onions

  3. Might be worth me coming up your way, no places like that down here, lucky you.
    I also love brawn and black pudding but they just do not seem to be the same as they used to be, or is it me.

    1. I do think were rather spoilt on the cheap foodstuff choices up here just because of it being a huge food production area

  4. Like you I am happy with "bent" stuff! Nobody knows once to is defrosted and cooked!

  5. Thanks for the Herons tip. We will have a look at that. We have two stores quite close by

  6. I;m glad your 2018 Christmas will be so much better than last year.
    When we kept pigs I made pork brawn - delicious it was too, just like I remembered from young, haven't seen it anywhere to buy nowadays.
    Like the sound of your cheap Herons - never heard of them

    1. Herons is a frozen food wonder shop from the North we also have Jack Fultons , i gather they are spreading South due to some big multinational having bought them out

  7. Well done - amazing buys! And good for the boys for keeping their dad occupied - maybe all the nice food will cheer him up a bit this Christmas!

  8. Wow, some great purchases there Heather. I'll have to keep an eye out for Herons coming South.

  9. Hi Kate, often read your blog
    Took your tip when in Asda today, got 2 packs of good quality mince, was £4.50 each now £2.00.
    Now in my freezer to make up several meals, thanks for the tip.
    I used to always go to Jack Thornton's in Kirkgate Market Leeds, 30 years ago when we visited up North, and butchers row at the same market.
    They think we are all rich down South, we aint!
    Tess xx

    1. Lincoln itself is our nearest point of call but sadly theres nowhere very cheap in Lincoln , its changed into a modern University city
