Friday, 22 June 2018

The Curse of the Builders

A very Agatha Christie title today methinks...
Anyway the gist of my rant  is that the builders are starting next Thursday , not bad since it was November when they were going to do the urgent boiler replacement. The man from the contractors turned up the other day to assess the job . It would seem its all going to be completely different to what the council told us they were doing . they are now not putting the boiler outside, its going back in the dining room , they are also replacing all the radiators , taking out the cylinder from the airing cupboard , not replacing any of the pipework and it all has to be done in two days...really
Confidence was not inspired by the fact that the bloke they sent stank of beer and appeared to be still pissed from watching England the night before , he turned up an hour late then fell asleep in his van outside !!
He also pointed out that theyre replacing the oil tank outside , and that we may be expected to move a shed to give tham access!! but that will be next month thank god , not sure how im going to manage that at all .
The inevitable moaning about our jammed stop tap that they wont replace because its joined to a lead house supply and its in the middle of the kitchen not on an outside wall , we are tenants this isnt our problem, contact the council they are well aware, im not wasting my breath anymore !!
So chaos raineth , Mr Bah Humbug has a lip on because ive told him he must remove the Vespa from the dining room . He has announced he is moving out into the large tent in the garden because he cant cope with the hassle , floorboards up etc and hes taking his scooter and his porta potty
ive got to move furniture with a nine year old munchkin as my assistant , because everybody is either ill or not here at the moment , daughter is having surgery on the day they start so i cant even be there for her ...aaargggggggghhhh


  1. Oh Katie....I really don't envy you at all.
    I hope it all goes better than you expect.

  2. Of course you will jump thru your *ss to get everything moved and they won’t come on time. You will have weeks of living in a jumble sale style before they start.
