Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Saving the NHS ..

I will just drag up me soapbox and then get me ranting head on . Am I the only one who can see that Jeremy Hunt is made of the same mould as Ian Duncan Manslaughter?
This total tit has been buggering up the NHS for quite a while , its now our fault that A & E will crash and burn come the cold spell , our fault for wasting oxygen is it?
Lets start at the beginning , now theyre outsourcing GP practices to various dodgy companies theyre all desperately trying to milk every penny out of central government . All our GPs have that rabbit in the headlights look , they spend endless hours doing medication reviews to see if they can save a shekel by not giving you medication . hundreds of thousands of appointments wasted . So lets stop them for six months , just so GPs can actually diagnose those who actually need to go to a hospital in the winter months. Then theres the endless waste of time prevention courses paid for by the NHS , we are awaiting dietician and how to live with diabetes courses , neither of us have diabetes , but were fat so must be at risk , they have even started Mr on medication , his liver problems caused by medication cause abnormal blood sugar ...Doh .  So you ask cant they change his medication? No,  everything else has been taken off the perscription list by the managing company because its to expensive ....aaarrgghh
A&E , maybe it should change its name to Alcohol and Emergency , surely they can find a filthy cow barn somewhere for the ambulances to open the back doors and just toss the drunks in? But they have to be treated like royalty because of our compensation culture ho hum , in that case breathalyze everyone who turns up to use casualty , £100 charge for treatment at that point if you fail, £200 for drugs  , outsource the fine recovery to private companies and print a list in the local press each week . My mother may die of embarrassment next time she tumbles after her second bottle but i would howl.
Stop blaming the staff Mr Hunt , it getting to the stage where your life would be at risk if you turned up at most hospitals , but lets be honest most of you and your compatriots wouldnt set foot in a NHS hospital except for a photo shoot . Jeremy Corbyn would be the only one of you in casualty !!!
Next big point , the NHS has gone to the dogs because of targets , do away with every last one of them , then a lot of the management could be got rid of , they are there merely to fiddle  figures to get the funding from central government .
Im sure most of us would sit that extra hour in casualty , if someone came out from behind the locked doors and told us they had a major problem , that they couldnt admit anyone because they had run out of beds even in the corridors . In fact most wouldnt be at casualty at all if they could see a GP and not have to talk to the imbecilic phone services that run out of hours medicine .
Its not bloody hard Jeremy !!!


  1. Makes you wonder where they get their degree in stupid doesn't it? -x-

  2. I was diagnosed as diabetic by my Dr's even though my blood test said otherwise. Three months later I was told that I was no longer diabetic but that I cannot be 'undiagnosed'. I'm assuming it was a ploy to get more funding!

    1. You need to have this diagnosis taken off your file. What, if sometime in the future, you want to take private insurance? You will pay more because this diagnosis is there.

    2. Why would anyone in UK want private healthcare? Is inferior .Any issues even minor patients get sent from private to NHS. We do not have comprehensive private hospitals, some for childbirth , hip replacements other than that no

  3. I could not agree with you more, Hunt makes my blood pressure rise, not a good idea as the G.P. will probably cut my medication. I had very mild high BP and was sent to see a consultant cardiologist who looked about 4 and told me point blank he only asked to see me because his post needed the funding. He then talked a load of rubbish and put me on beta blockers which made me feel like I was dying. My G.P. took me off them immediately, put me on a mild medication, and I have never felt better. Why wasn't that done in first place, could have saved pounds for the NHS. I worked in NHS for 20 years and targets were the worst thing ever brought in. I could not stand all the paper work involved and left, it felt like leaving a dying ship. I don't think anything can save the NHS all the while we have a Tory government, sadly I don't think Corbyn is the answer, how I wish he was. Good luck with all your trials and tribulations. I like to read your blog. Sue H.

    1. I think Mr Corbyn would have either tripped over his sandals or choked on a dodgy lentil

  4. Myself and my Collegues work so hard every day, we literally give our all!. Day in and day out!. We will never ever please everyone, but NHS bashing makes us sick!.We work day and night , Christmas new year to ensure if you are unwell we are here for you!. And will continue to. You may not agree on trying to prevent diabetes to fat predisposed people, but we will continue prevent illness to people who will listen.

    1. the point of the NHS trying to stop people becoming ill , is that it hasnt got the money. It may think that this is good value and the target system is working but they have become a victim of their own success and are now drowning in a sea of frail elderly who deserve far better than a bed in a corridor and homecare visits for 10 minutes a day

    2. Totally agree with you.Saffron

  5. If the NHS can prevent 1 person getting diabetes thousands saved, not medication it is relatively cheap, but circulation problems, leg ulcers that may never heal, amputations , years of rehab, hospital care. No one wants to have horrid ulcers!. Elderly we are bed blocked by people refusing to go home, saying they like hospital meals prepared, company!. Clean beds etc. Takes us months to evict them with solicitors ,court. We in Scotland offer free personal care . Max 4x day and 2 overnight visits, not 10 mins.each visit 30 mins.If a person needs full time medical and nursing care they are eligible for NHS 24 hour care in satelite nursing homes.

  6. Homecare is not NHS is social work budget!.

  7. People that work in the Health services are paid extremely well and a quite few are queen of nastiness. Friend of mine is a large person and was abused by nurses at the doctor surgery. Anyway she went on some diet ,you eat 5 days and starve 2 days.She started to lose weight fast.That was not good enough ,they told her she must see nutrition educator and dietitian. Despite loosing weight she has been told she had to follow sensible diet .She started eating 4 days and starving 3 days.Lost more. When she went again ,she told them that she had lots of sex ,twice a day and weight just gone.My friend told me just had enough. Wishing you well.Saffron Australia

  8. Sorry that is your thoughts!. There is no point being pink and fluffy to people who adopt lifestyle choices that are killing them. Weight,lack of exercise, smoke, drink, do drugs. They will do it anyway. Tough love does work. If you don,t change you will die of a b c. Does sometimes work , a wake up call.job done!.

  9. Kirrie,your tone is showing slightly aggressive nature. Maybe some tai chi,meditation. Saffron

  10. Not aggressive at all sorry if it came over that way!. Just passionate to the core about NHS and what it stands for!. Would hate us to go down US route.xx.
    Guess typed words do not include tone of voice.xx

  11. I do like to see a bit of discussion , what im trying to get across is that when the NHS was created and even up to the last century , the NHS guaranteed that everyone was equal , but all people needed from it was a good GP who reassured them that imminent death wasnt about to happen from an ingrowing toenail , but medicine and technology have leaped on in such huge steps that no amount of money will ever fund everything for everyone , that ingrowing toenail these day would result into a trip to a consultant , out patient appointments , a surgical procedure and follow up appointments, the real problem is our compensation culture . Nobody has the courage to say that your not going to die for 20 years , so go away and have 20 years of getting on with your life .
    Scotland has fairer and in many cases better systems in place , but can they fund it as a separate country? Time will tell

  12. I know NHS in Scotland is not perfect, but we will all keep striving to provide best service possible!. What has reduced hospital admissions dramatically is free prescriptions, no one pays for them so people struggling financially will not decide not to take prescribed medication due to cost. So keeping conditions under control reducing hospital visits.
    Whether we can continue with free prescriptions, personal care and university education for our children remains to be seen when we are independant!.
    Saving grace is we are proud country with no conservative tendencies, so we will continue to do everything in our power to keep what we have!. If it means us all paying more so be it!.

  13. NHS is my life's work and passion!. Adore everything it stands for!. Admit do get a bit protective about it. Will step off soapbox xx😀
