Monday, 10 March 2025

Aint Life Fun

 Well our own personal apocalypse arrived on the mat the other day , we have had notice that we must transfer to Universal Credit , so thats five weeks of no scrounged funds from the government cant say im that phased its not unexpected and its nothing to the 9 months we had to go without in 2017 , pantry is bulging all the vehicles are legal ive got enough saved to pay the rent and the council tax so no real worries . However we also have the cutting of disability benefits on the Horizon , but we will bugger on as best we can . Life as a scrounger is damned hard work . Himself doesnt have many worries on the being fit for work front , with his ever worsening multiple conditions and the class A drugs . I couldnt care less, chewing members of the DWP is a skill ive learned over the last few years.

OH ive been told i must tell everyone that Uncle Roy is a year youger than Mommy Dearest shes 90 next month  and is still quite batty in her elder care prison , it seems he reads the blog and I got it wrong  

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