Tuesday, 27 September 2022


 So im the lowest of the low at the moment , Mummy dearest decided to not open the curtains Saturday morning and the neighbour who keeps an eye on her , thought this is it , went across with her spare key and found the doors locked with the key on the inside . after hammering and screaming through the letterbox she heard a little im coming and my mother answered the door in her nightie . But the point is she was very confused and out of it so she rang me while mother was getting dressed , it transpires her carers havent been for days though i rang Thursday and she hung up on me because she said her carers had arrived ?  There was no fresh food in the house and being blind she had been eating green mouldy bread buns , the carers do her shopping for her.  when the neighbour checked she hadnt had any pills since Tuesday , i asked the neighbour to ring for an ambulance but she insisted i ring 111 which i did and then had to explain im over 100 miles away , this meant they couldnt access anything because we are living in a different region , so this turned into a right circus . but finally they got a nice little indian lady to ring my mother it was  decided after this conversation to request an ambulance  so the neighbour stayed with her she was still very confused and looked like death so im told theyd got her sat in front of the telly with a pile of blankets because mother had turned off the heating and was freezing , fed her  pills and given her tea laced with sugar as instructed it took 6 hours for the ambulance to get their it got to the top of the road then had to leave again once . but they checked her and she needed to go in because her heartbeat was allover . Then they sort of  kidnapped her , she sat in an ambulance till she got a bed Monday morning and we couldnt find anything out before other than she was in ambulance triage.  Then the fun begins they rang yesterday and because she hadnt had a fall they wanted to send her home !! Not a chance , nobody not even the hospital has been able to get in touch with the care company involved , i cant leave himself and her neighbour cant be there all the time , so no they will have to involve Social Services . I then at 9 oclock last night get an irate staff nurse on the phone trying to shame me into picking her up because they need the bed , shes mobile and wandering round BUT if shes not taking her medication or able to shop and eat unsupervised and wont put the heating on because shes listening to GB news all day telling her shes poor , its not safe for her to be home alone .  They even said that if they put her in a taxi they cant stop her leaving , she hasnt  got any house keys so she cant get in i pointed out, i was getting very annoyed by that stage .  i did point out to the nurse , that maybe she had a loving kind mother but sadly the little old lady sat in that bed is a bleedin manipulative monster , but she could be stuck here for weeks was the reply .  GOOD so now Social Services can sort this bleedin mess out and put a proper care plan in place . This is a conspiracy by myself the neighbour and other family members to make the evil old bag pay for her care and not treat everyone like unpaid servants in her aim to have a gold plated coffin . So im now officially a granny dumper ...The END not that in my wildest imagination it will be  


  1. Oh dear god, I hope you get it sorted out soon.

  2. Sweet jeeeesus! They have to hang on to her and transfer her to a care facility don’t they? I wonder if mummy didn’t fire her carers….
    Things are not that bad with my MIL she has three local children to dance attendance on her.
    Hang tough, pet. We know she is too cheap to pay a taxi to get to your house, right? Right?

  3. Just don't give in and eventually hopefully it will be ok - It must be stressfull for you though x

  4. Oh dear. I support you wholeheartedly being a grannydumper.

  5. Get everything in writing - I learned that the hard way! Don't take the SS word for it, get it in writing and be hard faced. If you give even a milimeter, they will be in like vultures.

  6. Actually they're the granny dumpers by their assumption you will just drop being a full time carer already and catch mommy dearest.

  7. Keep your heels dug in with the hospital and the social services.

  8. By sheer chance it was discovered that my son in laws grandmother was being overdosed on warfarin by the care company , when they rang the company to ask what the hell was going on the answer was we are short staffed .
    A few days later they had to take her to the hospital because she was bleeding , she was in the hospital and discharged at five in the morning , while in the hospital she was seen by no one , this lady is ninety .
    The NHS is broken and the government are doing nothing .
