Monday, 24 July 2017


Has there been any progress?  Nope , his mandatory reconsideration has been rejected and was failed completely not a single point given .  So now we must await a very large form and then a tribunal which will be months , somewhere between 5 months and 2 years due to the huge backlog of appeals.
On a plus side we actually had a visitor  , a mate of Mr Bah Humbug , who is the average working bloke , works 60 hours a week, his missus has just been told she has heart problems, she also works hideous hours , theyre barely keeping up with the bills . He was appalled that we could be left with nothing at all , despite Mr having worked since he left school. We will probably never see him again as we served as a horrifying reminder of what happens these days if one of you becomes ill ,  He offered to take us out for a meal which we politely refused , mainly because we dont have the fuel money to go and get back here .

Today im expecting a call from my boss because i told the firm I work for on Friday that im grounded due to lack of funds. I forked out my last £50 on fuel last week I have nothing now for 2 weeks .  My work licences are due next month and i have nothing to fund them either  so i guess this is it work wise . I cant keep paying to have a job , they never catch up with what they owe you ever, and if you walk away you never see the money they owe you either .
 So where we go from here i dont know ? Ebay methinks .

Wait I do know , in theory we are going on an all expenses paid trip to a wet muddy field at Leicester , Mr BHs best friend is funding him a weekend at a scooter rally , small problem we have his urgent brain scan on Friday , but at least this means he cant try to ride there , he is kidding himself that he could, but we dont need to rub in the fact that those days really have past .

Biggest tragedies  of the week ?  I snapped my garden fork off digging potatoes   I also have a badly swollen knee for no apparent reason , so im hobbling about a wee bit . It peed it down so no funds from car boot this week .  The daft things you run out of ?  Razors !!  So Mr Bah Humbug is now looking rather like an Ewok , in a cute furry sort of way ......


  1. I don't know how you stay do cheery but I'm so pleased you for. You are truly an amazing person. Are there food banks bar you? Surely there must be help somewhere? Tx

    1. There are food banks we have been offered vouchers, but food isnt the problem ,we have a large garden and i inherited a prepper mentality from my granny . But it does make you very aware that if you live rurally like us , food bank vouchers arent a lot of use if its a 30 mile round trip with no transport .

  2. Your situation horrifies me Kate.
    Why do we pay all those years of National Insurance if it doesn't serve to help you when when times are tough.

    I don't know who you work for but they are complete and utter b******s.

    Hope your knee heals soon-x-

    1. You would chuckle if i named and shamed the company involved !!

  3. To read your post made me think of a Victorian era or a third world country, not Lincolnshire 2017. Like Shelia I do wonder what years of paying NHI contributions means if there is no help available when it is needed. Take care.

    1. we are caught in the couple limbo caused by the half and half , tax credit , universal credit system , unable to claim tax credits because we are a universal credit area , unable to claim universal credit because they dont do it for those who are self employed until 2022

  4. My father used to say the only people who care for the working man is the trade Union and Maggy got rid of them. I am a duel resident between South Africa and the UK the thing that terrifies me most is getting I'll in the UK but I am lucky and am now retired south a pension. The Tory government set out to get the scroungers and did a lot of good people a disservice now they are after the old. We all get sick and if we are lucky we get old, if we cannot look after those less fortunate we are in a sad state. This is the fifth richest country in the world, this is not Africa.

    1. it just baffles us , we carry the label scroungers , but Mr BH has two brothers who have barely worked since leaving school , one has done so many drugs he still thinks its 1978 and the other has produced 7 kids but has the same spinal condition as Mr BH , they have it all ...well sort of

  5. Hi hun,
    Like you I don't understand how this all works.Why do we pay NI contributions? It is supposed to be our *safety net* when we are ill/out of work/low pay etc. I have known people who were able to milk the system and get away with it. Then there are people like us who have worked and get a pittance when we need it.It's all upside down! I hope things improve for you - have you considered going to your local MP's surgery/emailing them and complaining? Might not do any good but might make you feel better :)

    1. Our local MP ...mmmmm Conservative. Oddly the last 2 conservative MPs have been useful , the bloke with the grand mansion helped with our CSA problems then resigned over the cost of his duck house and moat . Stephen Phillips QC nice decent bloke resigned because he had principles and wouldnt follow the Tory Whip , now we have this new one ...we shall see
