Monday, 26 September 2016

Jumble Sale Season

The Bowls Club Jumble Sale at Washingborough was its usual source of wonderful at the weekend , What can I say a whole two bags full came home with me . Mr Bah Humbug got an entire winter wardrobe for a £1 3 pairs of cotton trader trousers , made for dwarves aka extra short legs, a fleece and a pair of jeans that didnt fit , I could tell he didnt much like them, so just to be mean ive cleared all the stuff that he cant get into into a bin bag and charity shopped it all , plus all the t shirts with paint and welding holes have gone into the rag bag and are already at the  charity shops ,they went this morning before he got the chance to stop me , what is it with men?  he hasnt worked for nearly two years and he still wants to wear his work scruff day and night , this will doubtless cause a huge argument that im more than ready for .
Well that was one bag full the other bag is all mine !! Even im not sure why i bought a modern  Aynsley vase that I dont like and dont need, but for a whole 20p with the  labels still on it , it came home and  I keep looking at it in horror, its so not me . I like my roses full on Victorian .
Gorgeous 60s pinny , cant have to many of them squirreled away can you?

And look who was hiding among the barbies a lovely little jointed composite dolly , great condition , im sure she can find a home somewhere , along with a big bag of 50s and 60s dolly clothes everything from baby doll to Holly Hobby 70s style . I got the cocktail markers thrown in , havent a clue what i shall do with them . Theres also a stack of knitting and craft magazines that i shall flick through and pass on . £2.50 spent in total ...


  1. Mr Bah Humbugs' twin lives here with me....Mr Tea Towel would wear his work clothes 24/7 if I wasn't here to tell him he looks like a tramp.
    Love those cocktail glass markers...not that I drink cocktails but they are very cute-x-

  2. I love,love,love the vase!. Would be perfect for my little landing phone table!. Do you wan,t to sell?.

    1. Apparently its going as a xmas gift , dont see it myself . Isnt it a good job we all have different tastes or we would all live in clone homes
