Got up this morning to gorgeous sunshine and hardly any of the sub zero wind , so pottered happily outside all morning . Broad beans huge propagator full sat outside on the garden bench , note to self must remember to tie them down before the next howling gale . Asparagus , leeks , celeriac and a few cabbages in the other propagator . All will sit outside till they feel like making an appearance , im in no rush for them , then the propagators will turn there hand to squash and cucumbers and jewel corn . Inside i will start a few tomatoes and peppers .
Much to my surprise sarcastic son , turned up asking for garden jobs , bear in mind hes barely left the house since before covid . I asked him what he wanted to do and he said pruning , apparently hes been watching lots of gardening videos on You Tube . Hes done wonders in the back garden near the house , but he got maybe 10ft away from the house and said he was going in now because he was starting to panic . Is this a sign that hes finally found a decent counsellor , the job center have fixed him up with one due to the total indiference from our GP . He did say the new counsellor was nice and got that he has agrophobia with anxiety issues , she has told him to set little goals and it doesnt mean hes a failure if he cant complete them . Big difference from the last idiot he got who kept telling he was a failure at every turn and actually worsened his condition . Mental Health care in the UK is a soddin joke