Well i hope this helps my final bid to get the ruddy potatoes out of the ground , so what do you do when rain has reached the level of monsoon ? Of course you go outside and pick apples...lol . So its been apple sauce day today , i dont use sugar i just peel and chop with the posh apple peeling tool , glad i paid a whole £2 for it in the Spring at the car boot. Then boil them with minimal water so theyre at the mush with chunks stage , fill loads of old jam jars then boil for half an hour in the big jam pan , ive sat here counting the jars popping shut and it sounds like 100% sucess , if your tight like me you sometimes get the odd jar doesnt seal but im not wasting money for new lids this year , every penny needs to be saved for the van repairs . I did go to the carboot but that was to drop off a batch of ghastly china modern dolls , to someone who revamps them into Haloween creatures , she pays me well for them and i spent a whole 20p on a couple of hand towels because all the kitchen ones are missing . No idea what oily handed cretin that was!!
So lets talk the world , im suffering from ostrich syndrome at the moment , you know dont mention the war , Armegeddon , plague etc etc etc , just ignore the news cos theres never anything good in it . Dont mention politics same shits different coloured ties. We live in terrible times , where our opinions count for nothing, so i guess i will just stick my head in the sand and bugger on with life
I agree, I'm keeping my head down too.