Friday 19 July 2024

What did i miss?

 Well the world has changed so much ..not at all lets be truthful. We had a none election where nothing changed , 74 years of the tories continues here on the fen , not that any party made any effort to take this seat , we had a couple of leaflets a few days before the election , we didnt know till then who was even trying for our vote . Our old ancient MP despite being a robbing tory with a mansion and a duck house was pretty useful on a local level the present incumbent it would be fair to call a piss taker , never seen ,does nothing for her constituents. A NHS consultant who votes against the NHS at every turn, yet another scion of a large farming family. Ho hum in this area of no faces other than white, they stuck a bloke called Mohammed in as the Labour candidate he did suprisingly well but didnt have a chance of unseating our current MP . So thats my politics for the day over ...ho hum 

Im more concerned with the quality of garden veg this year , by now the dehydrator is on full time in a normal year , crap new potatoes , same variety i alwys use but all theyve yielded is a couple of giant baking size potatoes each , maincrop is looking a bit more promising but the slugs and snails are having an orgy this year , loads of flowering green beans but no bees to polinate them , beetroot just vanished , strawberries vanished overnight and they were in a cage . Broad beans seem to have been the one winner and are laden to the ground so are the apple trees i keep thining them, theres leeks and onions down among the weeds somewhere, i couldnt get doen there for all the scaffolding for weeks, so we will see. im not doing tons of bottling and canning this year i got it about right for the two of us last year 3 big bottles of everything with added huge bottles of mixed veg is about enough for us . onwards seems to be the motto at the moment im reading much more and viewing the internet less and less , will AI kill the internet ?  

1 comment:

  1. Odd results for me from my garden this year - as you say fewer bees about, my lavender bushes are usually humming and buzzing all day long - very few this year, so sad. Regarding AI it would be good if something killed it - it can't spell for one thing (useless programmers probably) and churns out rubbish. Like you am reading much, much more this year - and that's from someone who has always read about 2 books a week anyway, also getting more knitting and sewing done, less internet, less adverts butting in - I wonder if anyone actually takes any notice of adverts??? My bet would be that everyone finds them a nuisance and in my case I give the utube vids a miss when I see an advert start up. Hate them. Right, I'll take my finger off the moan button now, and wish you cheerio and thanks for the blog - now blogs I really like! Elaine in Portsmouth
