Prepping for the winter has officially started , I managed to buy 5 stones of onions from the carboot this week , i have some in the garden but they are rubbish this year but they will do for eaters red and japanese onions but not very big . These were big brown soup onions doubtless rejects from the pack houses, to big and the odd one a bit damaged but the dehydrator doesnt care , the whole house smells of onions and will do for a couple of weeks , ive done half a dozen bags for the freezer for when im having an idle day and it never ceases to amaze me how little space they take up once theyre dehydrated , they keep for 2 or 3 years as well . £3 well spent i think .
Next job will be bottling plums , again not many this year but more than enough for us . We ate all the plums bottled last year but i still have a few bottles of gooseberries left so shant do any for this winter . Apples are mental and im still on the look out for a juice extractor i killed ours during the building work . Has anyone tried dried crab apples would they serve a purpose? Its a tree i just use to polinate the apple trees but its laden this year and nobody likes crab apple jam or jelly . I will wait for the autumn raspberries as the builders dropped a skip on the summer ones..bless .
So its fair to say im keeping myself occupied , nothing exciting going on at all , the jumbles have pretty much died till September the odd car boot when i can be bothered to get up at 5.30 lol