Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Plague 40

So Covid is now middle aged?  Im not spending much time online due to enjoying having grandson around , he flatly refused  to go home till he goes back to school and informs me its more important to grow food...lol
On another note he did rather rattle me the other night at 1am when he was woken up by the endless pissed up party next door and informed me that hed looked out his bedroom window and was ringing the police because they wernt social distancing correctly . That was a little to Hitler Youth for my liking so i pointed out to him that natural selection is a wonderful thing and he needed to do nothing except wait for the coughing and keep a good long way away from them all . We are just hoping that the party season has drawn to a close till next payday as three nights on the trot was a bit extreme and very loud .
Then we went disabled fishing yesterday and MR BH took a tumble  and it was a hard job getting him back up , all because he wanted a photo with his huge fish that his brother had landed for him , he was laid on the ground for a good 10 minutes with everyone panicking and me just telling them to leave him till the spasms died down before moving him , the swearing was so bad he wasnt about to die . Hes feeling it today and is on his emergency pain killers , 3 day rule if hes got circulation and feeling dont panic unless he cant wee in which case dial for an ambulance . Did have a conversation with the fishing pit owner later in the day who was horrified and I explained exactly what is up with him and not to worry to much , as he said he just though he was on crutches with a funny hip or something . BIL did comment that i was more worried about the fish at the time .
So im heading out for an afternoons gardening with the munchkin shortly , dont think i will here much from my other half as ive had to wake him up several times just to give him a cuppa...lol


  1. I admire your positive attitude and how you make the best of things and carry on.Mr BH is a very lucky man to have you-and your Munchkin sounds wonderful x

  2. Life certainly chucks you curve balls but you just continue on regardless. I hope Hubby has no long term effects from his fall.

    1. this morning through the haze he informed me he has feeling in his right hand fingers for the first time in months , so it may actually have done some good

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