Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Tad Chilly

Looking out the window at the lovely sunny garden , shame about the wind chill factor , i need to go hang towels out shortly , they do dry eventually if its just warm enough for them not to freeze , just have to remember to turn them a couple of times .
Its amazing the difference the new windows have made you can stand near a window without your skin shrivelling these days , even have the curtain open in the daytime, sheer luxury . The new boiler is not quite such a good idea , its A rated but despite using less oil it seems to drink extra electricity because it goes on and off all the time ..ho hum yet another environmental fraud sold to the council , much like the ground source heatpumps they fitted into properties that they cant now rent out because of the huge electricity bills , the solar panels that the company went bust and theres no repairs for etc etc . We have now discovered that the only reason they have upgraded our heating and windows is because the houses couldnt meet Letable Home Standards  which they can get a 10k fine for each property from April . Still grateful however .
Middle son isnt having a lot of luck on the job front 500+ job applications , bless him hes banged on doors everywhere but all want experience or references which he hasnt got, hes got to wait till the new Year to get a volunteer card so he can work in charities just to get something to put in his CVs . His only reply was a very nice letter from Boyses to say he hadnt enough experiance but at least it was a reply .
Main gripe at the moment is whos going to be here for xmas , its the one day i have to really plan for and theres still loads of dithering going on , some cant be helped Young Baldricks baby is due Boxing Day we await that with interest, but things seem to be going well so far .
All im doing is trying to read a bit , crochet a bit and potter around a bit . No grand plans im afraid just domestic servitude and wandering through the tunnels between boxes going woe is me . lol ..wondering how im going to cook and seat people , turkey on your lap sitting on an Amazon box is looking likely


  1. Outside drying? It's snowing here!
    I've got window envy - as we live in a listed building we have to get planning permission to do anything with ours, they might look beautiful but georgian windows are bastard draughty! x

    1. we had a georgian cottage many moons ago, but we were lucky the shutters hadnt been painted to the walls , they were wonderful in a winter

  2. It was a bit colder here than the sunshine through the window led me to believe. I nearly bought a scarf.

    1. what you didnt crochet one from breadbags , im disappointed

  3. These Councils work in very strange ways don't they? Would it be worth getting some space at one of those storage places for a month?

    1. just priced storage locally and nearly fainted, the cheapest was £89 for 20ft , good idea though

  4. We had to store our belongings prior to moving into this cottage, it was there for about 5 weeks and cost almost as much as the removal costs. The sun is shining here leading us into a false sense of security as once you go outside it is COLD!

    1. Sunshine i remember it well , we merely have endless foggy murk at the moment

  5. bless i was beginning to miss you

  6. Keep on sharing your lovely thoughts.

  7. A short story, but I enjoy reading it.
