Friday, 20 October 2017

Thoughts For The Weekend

This week has been a string of beggers belief stories across the media . So I thought id tell a few of my own . 
What a surprise theres a petition been launched on the government website asking our current government to clarify whether they intend to bring in the shopping cards for benefit claimants and asking the question in parliament if they get enough signatures . much the same as the SNAP system in the US , surprise surprise am i turning into a bleedin prophet ....
This led to this rather interesting web page , to see what our local MP actually does get up to.

not much it would seem , do enjoy looking up your own MP im sure you will find it interesting , this lady got in with a huge Tory majority and the help of Shetland ponies and Sinclair C5s , there is no possibility of Labour ever getting in here . The only boom industry here is undertakers , our population is so aged , as fast as one Tory voter dies theyre replaced with ten more retiring here from down south . 

Planning application letters came through the door the other day , it would seem theres been a planning application for the field over the road to build 4 houses , theres not much there, just a couple of horses and on the far side a few victorian farm buildings , my objection is not that they are building there, but the field is huge and theyre only wanting to build 4 houses , so yet again we get more houses that nobody living locally can afford to buy , they say theres a shortage of homes , true. but not in the half a million bracket , its the little cheap stuff we need not more retiree palaces . 
Even better the munchkin came home with a letter from school saying they have been offered a 20 space free carpark if the village supports plans for a large housing estate on the land across the road from the school , the school needs a car park desperately , you cant get away from the fact it serves a huge rural area and the only way to get the kids there for most people is to drive .  Once again its the size of the properties that i object to , that and the fact we dont have the infrastructure , for us its a large amount of properties , our school has 84 pupils , the only shop is soon to be 5 miles away , our lights dim at peak times and the internet drops through the floor of a winters evening .

DWP... it seems a single assessor has had 18 claims turned over at tribunal level in the space of a couple of weeks , all were for terminally ill cancer patients ....beggers belief 

1 comment:

  1. It does beggars belief. I hope they realise the system isn't fit for purpose, it's eating time and money. Our town has lost lots of shops and until recently had more banks and building society premises then decent shops. They are closing down too now. 3 in the last 18 months.
