Friday 11 October 2013

Friday Off

Well I wish I could say ive got on with all my craft and repurpose projects today but sadly its been a paperwork and parcel sort of day with a bit of domestic servitude throw in . I really have to make the effort over the weekend to list on ebay ive not an awful lot left in the shop
Which is a good thing, it means my sell through rate is good and when your trying to downsize thats the object of the exercise .

 Ive yet more studio pottery to list , im so good at hiding pin dishes I impress myself , plus im bracing myself to tackle the cook book mountain and childrens books . Books dont seem to sell that well on ebay  because of the cost of the postage , so i suppose i will have to charity shop most of them, but theyre picky and often wont take books unless theyre recent paperbacks and i hate to think they will just throw them away. Take these lovely Enid Blyton books theyre a bit tatty and have a tear in one page so therefore they need to be in my rest home for childrens books  . See i've talked  myself out of getting rid of
My other big problem is that I keep buying stuff that i cant resell simply because of size and weight , just because its beautiful . This huge stoneware  rose dish is my prime example at the moment, ive one china cabinet that is jammed full and nowhere to put another in this horrible house .So WHY did I buy it

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