Tuesday 23 June 2015

Post Wedding

A Great time was had by all at the wedding event of the year , the bride looked amazing, very gothic , all the kids behaved , no blood was shed or animals injured throughout the whole proceedings . Highlights the busker that the bride had accosted to use as a wedding singer he was brilliant. Matty Fletcher , just posted him , doing the first song , couldnt figure out how to pop it within this post...lol
The Food was amazing it was a ploughmans lunch theme and then an evening buffet , we came home laden up with stuff .
Mr Bah Humbug is horrified that he fluffed his speech six words and he froze, but he had a good time , hobbled through the day and is now suffering terribly but in a good cause .
Best laughs of the weekend the deaf aunty who shouted all the time and wasnt very tactful, every wedding should have one!!!
We babysat the teenagers , they had quite a bit to drink on the night so when we got them home they wanted a party , funnily enough they went straight to bed when I informed them that Mr Bah Humbug nude sleepwalks and that anyone who was sick would be left in the recovery position stuck hair side down in their leavings .
So a great weekend was had  and i hope they live happy ever after ............

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