Wednesday, 19 February 2025


 Yes the start of the gardening season is upon us , even if its bleedin freezing out there and its a wee bit waterlogged. Sat and ordered the last of the seeds for this year  More squash , beans and beetroot , last years massive failures havent put me off , crap weather is a feature of the job and if the gloom continues it might not be much of a season this year but you will still get some decent titbits if nothing else . Lots of King Edwards waiting to go in and my usual orkney blues and pink fir apples all sat waiting and ive not bought any of them theyre all savings from last year .  i will start a few tomatoes this week just half a dozen seeds and pop a cucumber or two in , the broad beans and the leeks can go in a propagator outside theres no need to rush them . Subject to the weather i plan on chopping the big raspberry patch to the ground and drowning it in a huge garden builders bag of leaves and kitchen scraps then topping with grass cuttings in a few weeks . Ive plenty of raspberries in the freezer and in jars so a year off wont hurt .

 Not sure what is happening at the bottom of the garden due to the builders deciding to flail all my bushes off !! also caught them discusing sawing my willow tree down , i did point out its actually 3ft inside my garden . They slopped off at that point but i wont be suprised if they start building fires at the base theyve done that on other peoples bounderies , there was much muttering about scummy council house tenants . Thats State Housing to those of you abroad . Theres a lot of predjudice on that front , even the bleedin estate agent was saying they will struggle to sell the two houses facing us because we are council tenants . 


  1. One of my neighbours commented on me walking Beano through a nearby council estate. She never does as she fears being attacked! I'm getting to know people there, some like to stroke Beano. I really can't understand what the issue is, but some folk like my neighbour are just weird.

    1. its an attitude we get quite a lot , theyve all watched to much Tory TV

  2. There are a lot of assumptions made about council tenants and one of those is that a council tenant won't do things like report slips in safety or trespassing.

    1. you can report everything to our council there will be no response

  3. How does anyone know who owns the houses across the street? I co-own a house with my son and he rents it out via a leasing agency.

    Nobody here questions who owns the home. Just that who lives there keeps everything tidy.

    1. Council houses are very visably owned by the council all of those around us have been bought except for those of us in the prefabs

  4. Surely they know they are trespassing - can you not put up a warning notice informing the idiots x

    1. i will try not to fall about laughing , they are a bunch of pig ignorant so and so's all you get is loads of abuse from them
